2015 ProgrammingtheQuantumFuture

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Subject Headings: Quantum Computing, Quantum Software Programming Language.


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The Quipper language offers a unified general-purpose programming framework for quantum computation.


Quantum Coprocessor Model

How would programmers interact with a device capable of performing quantum operations? Our purpose here is not to provide engineering blueprints for building an actual quantum computer; see Meter and Horsman13 for a discussion of that agenda. What we describe is a hypothetical quantum architecture in enough detail to cover how one would go about programming it.

Viewed from the outside, quantum computers perform a set of specialized operations, somewhat analogous to a floating-point unit or a graphics coprocessor. We therefore envision the quantum computer as a kind of coprocessor that is controlled by a classical computer, as shown schematically in Figure 1. The classical computer performs operations (such as compilation, conventional bookkeeping, correctness checking, and preparation of code and data) for the quantum unit. The quantum coprocessor performs only the quantum operations (such as initializations, unitary operations, and measurements). This model of quantum computation is known as Knill's QRAM model11 and is believed to ultimately be the most likely realization of quantum computers.13 Certain hardware-intensive low-level control operations (such as quantum error correction) may optionally be integrated directly into the quantum unit. We envision the quantum unit containing a high-speed, specialized firmware in charge of such a low-level " quantum runtime. “ The quantum firmware is specific to each physical realization of a quantum coprocessor, programmed separately off site. Although tightly dependent on the physical specifications of the particular hardware, the quantum firmware is independent of the algorithms to be run.

The source code of any quantum programs resides on the classical unit. Through a conventional classical compilation, it produces executable code to be run on the conventional computer. We envision the quantum coprocessor will communicate with its classical controller through a message queue on which the classical computer is able to send elementary instructions (such as " allocate a new quantum bit," " rotate quantum bit x," and " measure quantum bit y "). After an operation is performed, the classical computer can read the results from the message queue. In this model, the control flow of an algorithm is classical; tests and loops are performed on the classical device. Both classical and quantum data are first-class objects.

Via the message queue, the classical runtime receives feedback (such as the results of measurements) from the quantum unit. Depending on the algorithm, this feedback may occur only at the end of the quantum computation (batch-mode operation) or interleaved with the generation of elementary instructions (online operation). The possibility of online operation raises additional engineering challenges, as it requires the classical controller to be fast enough to interact with the quantum runtime in real time. On the other hand, many common quantum algorithms require only batch-mode operation. We assume a quantum programming model flexible enough to address either type of operation.

As with a conventional programming environment, we separate the logical data structures from their physical representation on the hardware. In our proposed paradigm, the algorithms are implemented at the logical level, but the quantum bits are physically encoded at the hardware level. The tasks of mapping logical quantum bits and operations to stable physical representations, and of applying suitable error correction, are left to the compiler and to the quantum firmware.

Describing Quantum Algorithms

To motivate the need for an expressive quantum programming language (QPL), we briefly consider some of the ways quantum algorithms are typically specified in the literature. A quantum algorithm generally consists of a mix of classical and quantum operations. The quantum parts of an algorithm are usually aggregated into quantum circuits, in which quantum gates are represented by boxes and quantum bits by wires, as in Figure 2. Some restrictions apply to circuits. For example, they cannot contain loops, so wires must flow in only one direction. The gates can have multiple inputs and outputs. With the exception of gates corresponding to the creation and destruction (measurement) of quantum bits, elementary operations are always unitary transformations, implying they must have the same number of inputs and outputs.

A typical description of a quantum algorithm consists of one or more of the following pieces, which may be specified at various levels of formality:

Mathematical equations. These can be used to describe state preparations, unitary transformations, and measurements. For example, Harrow et al. 9 described a quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations. A certain subcircuit of the algorithm is defined as follows: ueq01.gif

Invocation of known quantum subroutines. Examples include the quantum Fourier transform, phase estimation, amplitude amplification, and random walks. For example, the algorithm in Harrrow et al. 9 asks to " decompose|b〉 in the eigenvector basis, using phase estimation ";

Oracles. These are classical computable functions that must be made reversible and encoded as quantum operations. They are often described at a very high level; for example, Burham et al. 3 defined an oracle as " the truth value of the statement f (x) ≤ f (y) ";

Circuit fragments. For example, the circuit in Figure 3 is from Childs et al. 4 Note, strictly speaking, the figure describes a family of quantum circuits, parameterized by a rotation angle t and a size parameter n, as indicated by ellipses "... “ in the informal circuit. In a formal implementation, this parameter dependency must be made explicit;

High-level operations on circuits. Examples include " inversion," where a circuit is reversed, and " iteration," where a circuit is repeated, as in Figure 4; and

Classical control. Many algorithms involve interaction between the classical unit and the quantum unit. This interaction can take the form of simple iteration, running the same quantum circuit multiple times from scratch, as in Figure 5, or of feedback, where the quantum circuit is generated on the fly, possibly based on the outcome of previous measurements, as in Figure 6.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2015 ProgrammingtheQuantumFutureBenoît Valiron
Neil J. Ross
Peter Selinger
D. Scott Alexander
Jonathan M. Smith
Programming the Quantum Future10.1145/26994152015