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List of results
- Test:2024 GrandmasterLevelChessWithoutSea + (Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search)
- 2006 GraphBasedSemiSupervApproachForIE + (Graph Based Semi-Supervised Approach for Information Extraction)
- 2013 GraphClusterRandomizationNetwor + (Graph Cluster Randomization: Network Exposure to Multiple Universes)
- 2000 GraphClusterByFlowSimulation + (Graph Clustering by Flow Simulation)
- 2018 GraphConvolutionalNeuralNetwork + (Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-scale Recommender Systems)
- 2010 GraphDataManagementAndMining + (Graph Data Management and Mining: A Survey of Algorithms and Applications)
- 2007 GraphEvolutionDensific... + (Graph Evolution: Densification and Shrinking Diameters)
- 2008 GraphMiningandGraphKernels + (Graph Mining and Graph Kernels)
- 2015 GraphQueryReformulationwithDive + (Graph Query Reformulation with Diversity)
- 2014 GraphSampleandHoldAFrameworkfor + (Graph Sample and Hold: A Framework for Big-graph Analytics)
- 2000 GraphStrctintheWeb + (Graph Structure in the Web)
- 2023 GraphofThoughtsSolvingElaborate + (Graph of Thoughts: Solving Elaborate Problems with Large Language Models)
- 2014 GraphBasedSemiSupervisedLearnin + (Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning)
- 2009 GraphBasedKnowledgeRepresentation + (Graph-based Knowledge Representation: Computational Foundations of Conceptual Graphs)
- 2008 GraphBasedRemAndReasforOntologies + (Graph-based Representation and Reasoning for Ontologies)
- 1971 GraphTheoMethodsForDetectAndDescrGestaltClusters + (Graph-theoretical Methods For Detecting and Describing Gestalt Clusters)
- 2024 GraphRAGUnlockingLLMDiscoveryon + (GraphRAG: Unlocking LLM Discovery on Narrative Private Data)
- 2015 GraphemetoPhonemeConversionUsin + (Grapheme-to-phoneme Conversion Using Long Short-term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks)
- 2001 GreedyFunctionApprox + (Greedy Function Approximation: A gradient boosting machine)
- 2009 GroceryShoppingRecommendationsb + (Grocery Shopping Recommendations based on Basket-sensitive Random Walk)
- 2003 GroundingSpatialNamedEntsForIEandQA + (Grounding spatial named entities for information extraction and question answering)
- 2009 GroupedGraphicalGrangerModeling + (Grouped Graphical Granger Modeling Methods for Temporal Causal Modeling)
- 2014 GroupingStudentsinEducationalSe + (Grouping Students in Educational Settings)
- 1998 GrowingaLanguage + (Growing a Language)
- 2010 GrowingaTreeintheForestConstruc + (Growing a Tree in the Forest: Constructing Folksonomies by Integrating Structured Metadata)
- 1933 FoundationsOfTheTheoryOfProbability + (Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung)
- 2018 GuaranteedSufficientDecreasefor + (Guaranteed Sufficient Decrease for Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Optimization)
- 2013 GuidedCurationofSemistructuredD + (Guided Curation of Semistructured Data in Collaboratively-built Knowledge Bases)
- 2013 GuidedLearningforRoleDiscoveryG + (Guided Learning for Role Discovery (GLRD): Framework, Algorithms, and Applications)
- 2005 GuidelinesForAnnotOfConcMentPat + (Guidelines for Annotation of Concept Mention Patterns)
- 2007 GuidelinesfortheConstructionFor + (Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies : A Revision of ANSI/NISO Z39.19 for the 21st Century)
- 2007 GuidingSemi-SuperwithConstrDrivenLea + (Guiding Semi-Supervision with Constraint-Driven Learning)
- 2014 GuiltbyAssociationLargeScaleMal + (Guilt by Association: Large Scale Malware Detection by Mining File-relation Graphs)
- 1726 GulliversTravels + (Gulliver's Travels)
- 2017 HCCLatSemEval2017Task2Combining + (HCCL at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Combining Multilingual Word Embeddings and Transliteration Model for Semantic Similarity)
- 2015 HadoopsImpactontheFutureofDataM + (Hadoop's Impact on the Future of Data Management)
- 2024 HallucinationDiversityAwareActi + (Hallucination Diversity-Aware Active Learning for Text Summarization)
- 2024 HallucinationFreeAssessingtheRe + (Hallucination-Free? Assessing the Reliability of Leading AI Legal Research Tools)
- 2009 HandbookOfResearchOnMachineLear + (Handbook Of Research On Machine Learning Applications and Trends: Algorithms, Methods and Techniques - 2 Volumes)
- 2007 HandbookOfLSA + (Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis)
- 2009 HandbookofResonTeandWebMinTech + (Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies)
- 2009 HandbookOfStatAnalysis + (Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications)
- 2004 HandbookOnOntologies + (Handbook on Ontologies)
- 2009 HandbookOnOntologies + (Handbook on Ontologies (2nd edition))
- 2011 HardRealTimeComputingSystemsPre + (Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications)
- 2012 HarnessingtheWisdomoftheCrowdsf + (Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowds for Accurate Web Page Clipping)
- 2003 HeadDrivenStatModelsForNLP + (Head-Driven Statistical Models for Natural Language Parsing)
- 2014 HeatKernelbasedCommunityDetecti + (Heat Kernel based Community Detection)
- 2013 HeatPumpDetectionfromCoarseGrai + (Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning)
- 2004 HereistheEvidenceNowWhatistheHy + (Here is the Evidence, Now What is the Hypothesis? The Complementary Roles of Inductive and Hypothesis-driven Science in the Post-genomic Era)
- 2008 HeterogeneousDataFusionforAlzhe + (Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Study)