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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2009 FeatureHashingforLargeScaleMult + (Feature Hashing for Large Scale Multitask Learning)
- 2011 FeatureSelectionandEnsMeth... + (Feature Selection and Ensemble Methods for Bioinformatics: Algorithmic Classification and Implementations)
- 2005 FeatureSelectionbasedonMutualIn + (Feature Selection based on Mutual Information Criteria of Max-dependency, Max-relevance, and Min-redundancy)
- 2002 FeatureSelectForClustAFilterSolution + (Feature Selection for Clustering - A Filter Solution)
- 1998 FeatureSelectionForKDD + (Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)
- 2010 FeatureSelectionforSupportVecto + (Feature Selection for Support Vector Regression Using Probabilistic Prediction)
- 2004 FeatureSelectionL1VsL2Regulariz + (Feature Selection, L 1 Vs. L 2 Regularization, and Rotational Invariance)
- 2016 FeatureSelectionADataPerspectiv + (Feature Selection: {A} Data Perspective)
- 2009 FeatureShapingforLinearSVMClass + (Feature Shaping for Linear SVM Classifiers)
- 2008 FebrlAnOpenSourceDataCleaningDe + (Febrl -: An Open Source Data Cleaning, Deduplication and Record Linkage System with a Graphical User Interface)
- 2008 FeedbackEffectsBetweenSimilarit + (Feedback Effects Between Similarity and Social Influence in Online Communities)
- 1992 FeudalReinforcementLearning + (Feudal Reinforcement Learning)
- 2016 FieldAwareFactorizationMachines + (Field-aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction)
- 2007 FigureGroundSegmentationUsingaH + (Figure-ground Segmentation Using a Hierarchical Conditional Random Field)
- 2014 FillingContextAdVocabularyGapsw + (Filling Context-ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs)
- 2007 FilteringProductReviewsFromWebSearchResults + (Filtering Product Reviews from Web Search Results)
- 2013 FinancingLeadTriggersEmpowering + (Financing Lead Triggers: Empowering Sales Reps through Knowledge Discovery and Fusion)
- 2009 FindingDenseSubgraphswithSizeBo + (Finding Dense Subgraphs with Size Bounds)
- 2010 FindingEffectorsinSocialNetwork + (Finding Effectors in Social Networks)
- 2015 FindingFunctioninFormCompositio + (Finding Function in Form: Compositional Character Models for Open Vocabulary Word Representation)
- 1990 FindingGroupInDataAnIntroToClusterAnalysis + (Finding Groups in Data. An Introduction to Cluster Analysis)
- 2012 FindingMinimumRepresentativePat + (Finding Minimum Representative Pattern Sets)
- 2001 FindingMotifsUsingRandomProject + (Finding Motifs Using Random Projections)
- 2008 FindingNonRedundantStatisticall + (Finding Non-redundant, Statistically Significant Regions in High Dimensional Data: A Novel Approach to Projected and Subspace Clustering)
- 2004 FindingPredominantSensesInUntaggedText + (Finding Predominant Senses in Untagged Text)
- 2004 FindingScientificTopics + (Finding Scientific Topics)
- 2011 FindingStructurewithRandomnessP + (Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions)
- 2006 FindingSynonymsUsingAutomaticWo + (Finding Synonyms Using Automatic Word Alignment and Measures of Distributional Similarity)
- 2009 FindingTimeSeriesMotifsInD + (Finding Time Series Motifs in Disk-Resident Data)
- 2012 FindingTrendingLocalTopicsinSea + (Finding Trending Local Topics in Search Queries for Personalization of a Recommendation System)
- 2012 FindingTrendsettersinInformatio + (Finding Trendsetters in Information Networks)
- 2009 FindingaTeamofExpertsinSocialNe + (Finding a Team of Experts in Social Networks)
- 2009 FindingTheFrequentItemsInStreamsOfData + (Finding the Frequent Items in Streams of Data)
- 2014 Findingsofthe2014WorkshoponStat + (Findings of the 2014 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation)
- 2000 AFineisaPricea + (Fine is a Price, a)
- 2002 FineGrainedProperNounOnts + (Fine-Grained Proper Noun Ontologies for Question Answering)
- 2023 FineTuningPretrainedLanguageMod + (Fine-Tuning Pretrained Language Models to Enhance Dialogue Summarization in Customer Service Centers)
- 2003 FiniteStateMorphology + (Finite State Morphology)
- 1995 FirstOccOfComTermsInMathStats + (First (?) Occurrence of Common Terms in Mathematical Statistics)
- 2003 FirstOrderProbInfer + (First-Order Probabilistic Inference)
- 2007 FirstOrderProbModForCorefRes + (First-Order Probabilistic Models for Coreference Resolution)
- 2005 FirstOrderizedResearchcycExpres + (First-orderized Researchcyc: Expressivity and Efficiency in a Common-sense Ontology)
- 2003 FittingMultiplicativeModelsbyRo + (Fitting Multiplicative Models by Robust Alternating Regressions)
- 1994 FittingaMixtureModelbyExpectati + (Fitting a Mixture Model by Expectation Maximization to Discover Motifs in Bipolymers)
- 1998 FixedExpressionsAndIdiomsInEnglish + (Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English: A Corpus-based Approach)
- 2010 FlexibleConstrainedSpectralClus + (Flexible Constrained Spectral Clustering)
- 2010 FlexibleOntPopFromText + (Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter)
- 2002 FlexiblePatternMatchingInStrings + (Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings)
- 2005 FlexibleTextSegWithStructMultiClass + (Flexible Text Segmentation with Structured Multilabel Classification)
- 2006 FlexTreeKernelsBasedOnTreeMappings + (Flexible Tree Kernels based on Counting the Number of Tree Mappings)
- 2013 FlexibleandRobustCoRegularizedM + (Flexible and Robust Co-regularized Multi-domain Graph Clustering)