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List of results
- 1990 BuildingLargeKBSys + (Building Large Knowledge-based Systems; Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project, 1st edition)
- 2008 BuildingSemanticKernelsforTextC + (Building Semantic Kernels for Text Classification Using Wikipedia)
- 2001 BuildingaDiscourseTaggedCorpusi + (Building a Discourse-tagged Corpus in the Framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory)
- 2011 BuildingaHighlyConsumableSemant + (Building a Highly Consumable Semantic Model for Smarter Cities)
- 2010 BuildingASemAnnCorpusOfClinicRecs + (Building a Semantically Annotated Corpus of Clinical Texts)
- 2002 BuildingaSenseTaggedCorpuswithO + (Building a Sense Tagged Corpus with Open Mind Word Expert)
- 2009 BusinessDashboardsAVisualCatalo + (Business Dashboards: A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment)
- 2010 BusinessModelsADiscoveryDrivenA + (Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach)
- 2007 BusinessProcessDevelopmentLifeC + (Business Process Development Life Cycle Methodology)
- 2009 BusinessRulesBasedAgileERPSyste + (Business Rules Based Agile ERP Systems Development)
- 2024 ByDefaultCapitalWillMatterMoreT + (By Default, Capital Will Matter More Than Ever After AGI)
- 2008 BypassRatesReducingQueryAbandon + (Bypass Rates: Reducing Query Abandonment Using Negative Inferences)
- 2020 BytePairEncodingisSuboptimalfor + (Byte Pair Encoding is Suboptimal for Language Model Pretraining)
- 1993 C45 + (C4.5: Programs for machine learning)
- 2011 CHIRPaNewClassifierbasedonCompo + (CHIRP: A New Classifier based on Composite Hypercubes on Iterated Random Projections)
- 2011 CHIRPANewClassifierbasedonCompo + (CHIRP: A New Classifier based on Composite Hypercubes on Iterated Random Projections)
- 2021 CLAUSERECAClauseRecommendationF + (CLAUSEREC: A Clause Recommendation Framework for AI-aided Contract Authoring)
- 2007 CLOnEControlledLanguageforOntol + (CLOnE: Controlled Language for Ontology Editing)
- 1994 CLUSTALW + (CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice)
- 2001 CLaRK-anXMLbasedSysforCorpDev + (CLaRK - an XML-based System for Corpora Development)
- 2014 CNNFeaturesOfftheShelfAnAstound + (CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for Recognition)
- 2009 COAFindingNovelPatentsthroughTe + (COA: Finding Novel Patents through Text Analysis)
- 2014 COMAGenerativeModelforGroupReco + (COM: A Generative Model for Group Recommendation)
- 2003 COPLINK + (COPLINK: managing law enforcement data and knowledge)
- 2015 COSNETConnectingHeterogeneousSo + (COSNET: Connecting Heterogeneous Social Networks with Local and Global Consistency)
- 2009 CPSummaryaConciseRepresentation + (CP-summary: A Concise Representation for Browsing Frequent Itemsets)
- 2008 CROaSystemforOnlineReviewStruct + (CRO : A System for Online Review Structurization)
- 1995 CRYSTAL + (CRYSTAL: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary)
- 2021 CTOACommunityBasedClinicalTrial + (CTO: A Community-Based Clinical Trial Ontology and Its Applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIViewH)
- 2021 CUADAnExpertAnnotatedNlpDataset + (CUAD: An Expert-annotated Nlp Dataset for Legal Contract Review)
- 1982 CacheMemories + (Cache Memories)
- 2014 CaffeConvolutionalArchitecturef + (Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding)
- 2011 CalibrationofConfidenceMeasures + (Calibration of Confidence Measures in Speech Recognition)
- 2009 CallingInternationalRescue + (Calling International Rescue: knowledge lost in literature and data landslide!)
- 2007 Caltech-256ObjectCatDataset + (Caltech-256 Object Category Dataset)
- 2023 CanAIProvideEthicalAdvice + (Can AI Provide Ethical Advice)
- 2024 CanAIScalingContinueThrough2030 + (Can AI Scaling Continue Through 2030?)
- 2008 CanComplexNetworkMetricsPredict + (Can Complex Network Metrics Predict the Behavior of NBA Teams?)
- 2009 CanWeLearnaTemplateIndependentW + (Can We Learn a Template-independent Wrapper for News Article Extraction from a Single Training Site?)
- 2001 CanBiblioPointersProteinInteractionsAsACaseStudy + (Can bibliographic pointers for known biological data be found automatically? Protein interactions as a case study)
- 2011 CancerGenomics + (Cancer Genomics)
- 1759 Candide + (Candide)
- 2004 CanonicalCorrelationAnalysisAnO + (Canonical Correlation Analysis: An Overview with Application to Learning Methods)
- 2007 CanonicalizationOfDatabaseRecords + (Canonicalization of Database Records using Adaptive Similarity Measures)
- 2024 CapabilitiesofGeminiModelsinMed + (Capabilities of Gemini Models in Medicine)
- 1993 CapabilityMaturityModelforSoftw + (Capability Maturity Model for Software (Version 1.1))
- 2015 CapabilityModelsandTheirApplica + (Capability Models and Their Applications in Planning)
- 2012 CapacitatedTeamFormationProblem + (Capacitated Team Formation Problem on Social Networks)
- 2014 CapitalDepreciationandLaborShar + (Capital Depreciation and Labor Shares Around the World: Measurement and Implications)
- 2014 CapitalintheTwentyFirstCentury + (Capital in the Twenty-First Century)
- 1961 CapitalLaborSubstitutionandEcon + (Capital-labor Substitution and Economic Efficiency)