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List of results
- 2005 AHybridUnsupApprForDocClust + (A Hybrid Unsupervised Approach for Document Clustering)
- 2015 AJointDependencyModelofMorpholo + (A Joint Dependency Model of Morphological and Syntactic Structure for Statistical Machine Translation)
- 2005 AKnowlApproachToCitatExtract + (A Knowledge-based Approach to Citation Extraction)
- 2009 ALRTFrameworkforFastSpatialAnom + (A LRT Framework for Fast Spatial Anomaly Detection)
- 2007 ALargeScaleEvaluationandAnalysi + (A Large-scale Evaluation and Analysis of Personalized Search Strategies)
- 2006 ALatentDirichletModelForUnsupEntRes + (A Latent Dirichlet Model for Unsupervised Entity Resolution)
- 2014 ALatentSemanticModelwithConvolu + (A Latent Semantic Model with Convolutional-Pooling Structure for Information Retrieval)
- 1999 LazyModelBasedOnlineClassification + (A Lazy Model-based Algorithm for On-Line Classification)
- 2015 ALearningbasedFrameworktoHandle + (A Learning-based Framework to Handle Multi-round Multi-party Influence Maximization on Social Networks)
- 2010 ALegalCaseOWLontology + (A Legal Case OWL Ontology with an Instantiation of Popov v. Hayashi)
- 2016 ALightweightMethodologyforRapid + (A Lightweight Methodology for Rapid Ontology Engineering)
- 1975 ALinearSpaceAlgForCompMaxComSub + (A Linear Space Algorithm for Computing Maximal Common Subsequences)
- 1998 ALinguisticComparisonConstituencyDependencyLink + (A Linguistic Comparison of Constituency, Dependency, and Link Grammar)
- 1995 ALinguisticOntology + (A Linguistic Ontology)
- 2008 ALogicofNonmonotoneInductiveDef + (A Logic of Nonmonotone Inductive Definitions)
- 2001 AMachLearnApprToCorefResOfNounPhrases + (A Machine Learning Approach to Coreference Resolution of Noun Phrases)
- 2020 AMachineLearningApproachtoUnder + (A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Patterns of Engagement with Internet-delivered Mental Health Interventions)
- 2011 AMachineLeaBaseAnalytFrmwrk... + (A Machine Learning Based Analytical Framework for Semantic Annotation Requirements)
- 2002 AMachineLearningBasedApproachForTableDetection + (A Machine Learning Based Approach for Table Detection on the Web)
- 2008 AMatrixAlignApprForLinkPred + (A Matrix Alignment Approach for Link Prediction)
- 2010 AMatrixFactorizationTechniquewi + (A Matrix Factorization Technique with Trust Propagation for Recommendation in Social Networks)
- 1996 AMaxEntApproachToNLP + (A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing)
- 1996 AMaximumEntropyModelForPOS + (A Maximum Entropy Model for Part-of-Speech Tagging)
- 2000 AMaximumEntropyInspiredParser + (A Maximum-Entropy-Inspired Parser)
- 2004 AMentionSynchronousCoreferenceR + (A Mention-synchronous Coreference Resolution Algorithm based on the Bell Tree)
- 2017 AMetaLearningPerspectiveonColdS + (A Meta-Learning Perspective on Cold-Start Recommendations for Items)
- 2006 AMethodologyForBuildingConceptualDomainOntologies + (A Methodology For Building Conceptual Domain Ontologies)
- 2002 AModelofoftenMixedStereotypeCon + (A Model of (often Mixed) Stereotype Content: Competence and Warmth Respectively Follow from Perceived Status and Competition.)
- 2015 AModifiedWeightedPseudoInverseC + (A Modified Weighted Pseudo-inverse Control Allocation Using Genetic Algorithm)
- 2012 AModularOntologyofDataMiningDoc + (A Modular Ontology of Data Mining: Doctoral Dissertation)
- 2014 AMultiClassBoostingMethodwithDi + (A Multi-class Boosting Method with Direct Optimization)
- 2010 AMultiPassSieveforCoreferenceRe + (A Multi-pass Sieve for Coreference Resolution)
- 2009 AMultiRelationalApproachtoSpati + (A Multi-relational Approach to Spatial Classification)
- 2011 AMultiTaskLearningFormulationfo + (A Multi-task Learning Formulation for Predicting Disease Progression)
- 2008 AMultiagentReinforcementLearnin + (A Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Non-linear Dynamics)
- 2018 AMultilayerConvolutionalEncoder + (A Multilayer Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Neural Network for Grammatical Error Correction)
- 2011 AMultilevelUNLConceptbasedSearc + (A Multilevel UNL Concept based Searching and Ranking.)
- 2012 ANearLinearTimeApproximationAlg + (A Near-linear Time Approximation Algorithm for Angle-based Outlier Detection in High-dimensional Data)
- 2015 ANeuralAttentionModelforAbstrac + (A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Sentence Summarization)
- 2016 ANeuralAutoregressiveApproachto + (A Neural Autoregressive Approach to Collaborative Filtering)
- 2015 ANeuralConversationalModel + (A Neural Conversational Model)
- 1997 ANeuralDissociationWithinLangua + (A Neural Dissociation Within Language: Evidence That the Mental Dictionary is Part of Declarative Memory, and That Grammatical Rules Are Processed by the Procedural System)
- 2015 ANeuralNetworkApproachtoContext + (A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses)
- 2014 ANeuralNetworkforFactoidQuestio + (A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs)
- 2003 ANeuralProbabilisticLanguageMod + (A Neural Probabilistic Language Model)
- 2011 ANewApproachforPublishingWorkfl + (A New Approach for Publishing Workflows: Abstractions, Standards, and Linked Data)
- 2008 ANewApproachtoImprovetheVoteBas + (A New Approach to Improve the Vote-Based Classifier Selection)
- 2012 ANewChallengeofInformationProce + (A New Challenge of Information Processing under the 21st Century)
- 2013 ANewCollaborativeFilteringAppro + (A New Collaborative Filtering Approach for Increasing the Aggregate Diversity of Recommender Systems)
- 2007 ANewUnsupMethForDocClust + (A New Unsupervised Method for Document Clustering by using WordNet Lexical and Conceptual Relations)
- 2008 ANonParamSemiSupDiscrMeth + (A Non-parametric Semi-supervised Discretization Method)