Out-Of-Vocabulary Word Error Rate (OOV-WER) Measure

(Redirected from Out-of-vocabulary rate)

An Out-Of-Vocabulary Word Error Rate (OOV-WER) Measure is a Word Error Rate Measure that measures the performance of OOV detection system.



Language Vocabulary OOV Rate
Korean 64K 34.0%
Turkish 64K 13.5%
German 61K 4.4%
Portuguese 60K 4.3%
English 54K 0.3%
Korean (segmented) 64K 0.2%
Chinese (sepmented) 60K 0%
Croatian 31K 13.6%
Spanish 30K 5.2%
French 30K 4.7%
Japanese (segmented) 22K 3.0%
Table 4.2: Out-of-vocabulary rates for ten languages.