Noun-Noun Compound Word

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A Noun-Noun Compound Word is a Compound Noun composed of only Noun Base Words.




  • (Warren, 1978) ⇒ Beatrice Warren. (1978). “Semantic Patterns of Noun-Noun Compounds." GOthenburg Studeis in English 41.


  • (Downing, 1977) ⇒ Pamela Downing. (1977). “On the Creation and Use of English Compound Nouns.” In: Language, (53).
    • NOTES: It analyzes the properties of Compound Nouns, specifically N+N Compound Nouns.
    • NOTES: It defines a N+N Compound Noun based on Li (1971:19)'s definition: “the simple concatenation of any two or more nouns functioning as a third nominal”.
    • NOTES: It examines the more common relationships between the first and second noun in a nominal compound
    • NOTES: It concludes that there are a large number of relationships and that can be unpredictable from the semantics of the two words.


  • (Li, 1971) ⇒ Charles Li. (1971). “Semantics and the Structure of Compounds in Chinese.” PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley.
    • NOTES: defines a Noun-Noun Compound as: “the simple concatenation of any two or more nouns functioning as a third nominal”.