Lexicalized Ontology

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A Lexicalized Ontology is an linguistically-grounded ontology whose concept records reference lexical item records that are concept referencers.



  • (Powers & Stirtzinger, 2011) ⇒ Joshua Powers, and Anthony Stirtzinger. (2011). “Lexicalizing an Ontology.” In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2011).
    • QUOTE: Rich lexica such as WordNet are valuable resources for information extraction from unstructured text. When extraction techniques have formal ontologies as their targets, a mapping from the lexicon to the ontology has been shown to be beneficial in sense disambiguation and usability of the extracted knowledge. Such mappings are generally established manually, which can be a costly procedure if either the lexicon or the ontology is large. This paper describes an approach to accelerate this mapping process via automation using WordNet as the lexicon and a variety of standard ontologies.


  • (Toral & Monachini, 2007) ⇒ Antonio Toral, and Monica Monachini. (2007). “SIMPLE-OWL: a Generative Lexicon Ontology for NLP and the Semantic Web.” In: Workshop of Cooperative Construction of Linguistic Knowledge Bases at (AI*IA 2007).
    • QUOTE: This research deals with the modelling of a Generative Lexicon based ontology to be used in the Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing semantic tasks. This ontology is imported from a existing computational Lexical Resource and is converted to the W3C standard Web Ontology Language. This presents some challenges, as for example the multidimensionality of the original ontology, which are covered in the current paper. The result of this research is an OWL compliant semantically rich and linguistically-based ontology, thus useful to the automatic processing of text within the Semantic Web paradigm.