Legal Terminology
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A Legal Terminology is a domain-specific terminology of legal terms for a legal domain.
- AKA: Legal Vocabulary.
- Context:
- It can (typically) be a Language-Specific Legal Terminology, such as: an English Legal Terminology.
- It can be specialized based on specific legal areas like:
- It plays a crucial role in legal understanding and interpretation, helping to provide precise definitions for legal proceedings.
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- Example(s):
- English Legal Terminology: This includes English legal terms, such as: “Habeas Corpus”, “Pro Bono”, “Mens Rea”, “Actus Reus”.
- French Legal Terminology: This includes French legal terms, such as: “Force Majeure”, “Caveat Emptor”, “Fait Accompli”.
- Japanese Legal Terminology: This includes Japanese legal terms, such as: “Jōrei” (条例, which translates to “ordinance").
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- Counter-Example(s):
- Medical Terminology: This includes terms like "Hypertension", "Dermatitis", "Myocardial Infarction" - terms used in the medical field, not for legal purposes.
- Scientific Terminology: This includes terms like "Quantum Mechanics", "Biodiversity", "Evolution" - these are terms used in the scientific domain, not legal.
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- See: Law Dictionary, Legal Glossary, Legal Interpretation, Legal English, Legal Writing, Legal Jargon, Legal Concept.
- (Wikipedia, 2023) ⇒ Retrieved:2023-7-22.
- A: Abandonment (legal), Abrogation in public law, Acceleration (law), Acceptance of responsibility, Acknowledgment (law), Acting (law), Actual notice, Ad sectam, Adequate remedy, Adjustment (law), Adverse, Adverse inference, Adverse party, Affray, Affreightment, After-acquired property, Age of candidacy, Agreement in principle, Allegation, Allonge, Ambiguity (law), Ampliative, An unjust law is no law at all, Angary, Animus (law), Antecedent (law), Antedated contract, Appearance (law), Appearance of impropriety, Apportionment, Arbitrariness, Arbitration, Arbitration award, Argument in the alternative, Arraignment, As is, Asset protection, Assignment (law), Assisting Offender.
- B: Back-bond, Banker's lien, Beneficiary, Blunt instrument, Bodily harm, Books of authority, Butts and bounds.
- C: Capital call, Cat's paw theory, Cause célèbre, Cause of death, Cease and desist, Cestui que, Champerty and maintenance, Charge (youth), Charging order, Citizen's arrest, Coercion, Entry into force, Common carrier, Compass (law), Competent authority, Computation of time (law), Connivance, Constructive fraud, Constructive notice, Consumer complaint, Course of dealing, Cross-examination.
- D: Date certain, Declaratory power, Defalcation, Default (law), Deforce, Demand guarantee, Demise, Demise of the Crown, Demurrage, Designation (law), Diminishment, Direct evidence, Direct examination, Dissolution (law), Double aspect doctrine, Double jeopardy, Double majority, Due process, Duplicity (law), Duty of Prudence, Dwelling.
- E: Eschatocol, Escrow, Estray, Executor, Expungement, Extraordinary resolution.
- F: Faceless court, Fair comment, False accounting, Fault (law), Feigned action, Foral, Force (law), Foreign legal opinion, Forfeiture (law), Forged endorsement, Freehold (law), Fuero, Fundamental justice.
- G: Good behaviour bond, Good conduct time, Grandfather clause, Guarantee.
- H: Hard cases make bad law, Homestead exemption, Hotchpot, Humanitarian access, Hypothec.
- I: I know it when I see it, Illicit enrichment, Immediately (law), Immediately adjacent, Immediately upon arrival, Impleader, Impunity, Incidental damages, Indirect liability, Information and belief, Informed assent, Informed refusal, Inhibition (law), Injury (law), Innocence, Innominate jury, Insult (legal), Interlocutory, Issue (genealogy), Issuer.
- J: Judicial genre, Justice delayed is justice denied.
- L: Lawlessness, Leading question, Legal benefit, Legal death, Legal doublet, Legal hold, Legal liability, Legal nullity, Legal opinion, Legal opportunism, Legal person, Legal recognition, Legal recourse, Liberal legalism, Line of hereditary succession, Lineal descendant, List of grandfather clauses, Long cause, Loophole.
- M: Maintaining a common nuisance, Malice (law), Malicious prosecution, Mandate (criminal law), Marital power, Material adverse change, Material fact, Materiality (law), May God have mercy upon your soul, McKenzie friend, Medical advice, Merism, Merit (law), Minimum high regard, Misappropriation, Mischief, Misconduct, Misdemeanor, Misfeasance, Mitigation (law), Moratorium (law), Mute of malice, Mutual combat.
- N: Natural justice, Nominal party, Nominate reports, Nota bene.
- O: Offer of proof, Omnibus hearing, Open verdict, Operative fact, Opinion privilege, Ordinary resolution, Originating application, Overcharge, Ownership.
- P: Pain and suffering, Pardon, Parental consent, Parole, Partial verdict, Partible inheritance, Party (law), Payment, Peliculum in mora, Peon, Peremptory plea, Perfection (law), Perjury, Perjury trap, Person of interest, Personal representative, Plant variety (law), Plea bargain, Plenary power, Plenipotentiary Conference, Plurality opinion, Police caution, Position of trust, Praelegal, Prayer for relief, Preamble, Prejudice (legal term), Preparation and attempt, Prerogative, Presentment, Principal (criminal law), Principal case, Principle of no-work-no-pay (dies non), Privilege tax, Probate, Probate sale, Proclamation, Procuration, Promise, Public service company, Punitive damages, Pupil master.
- R: Reasonability, Recharacterisation, Rectification (law), Redirect examination, Related party transaction, Related rights, Relevant conduct, Remand (imprisonment), Reservation of rights, Respite (law), Responsible entity, Royal assent.
- S: Seat (legal entity), Second lien loan, Security of payment, Self-help (law), Sequestration (law), Set-off (law), Settlor, Sex characteristics (legal term), Shareholders' agreement, Sharp practice, Sheriff-substitute, Shifting burden of persuasion, Shocks the conscience, Short cause, Spamigation, Special meaning, Spring and Autumn Courts, Stakeholder (law), Stipulation, Stranger in blood, Strategic lawsuit against public participation, Stuffed article, Suggestion of death, Sum certain, Summary (law), Summary order, Summons, Surety, Surplusage, Surrebuttal, Surrogate decision-maker.
- T: Tacit relocation, Tangibility, Tangible property, Tardiness, Tax lien, Terms (law), Test case (law), Testamentary trust, Theftbote, Title (property), Tracing (law), Trial penalty, Trust instrument, Turbary.
- U: Unfair competition.
- V: Vacant possession, Valid claim, Verdict, Vindicatory damages, Violent disorder, Void (law), Voidable, Voluntary association, Voting trust.