Contextual Bias
A Contextual Bias is a Social Bias and/or Cognitive Bias that is shaped by specific set of beliefs.
- See: Religious Discrimination, Academia, Belief, Research, Scientific Community, Anecdotal Evidence, Self-Selection, Homophobia, Racism, Class Discrimination, Sexism, Experimental Science.
- (Wikipedia, 2018) ⇒ Retrieved:2018-5-27.
- Contextual biases
Academic bias
Academic bias is the bias or perceived bias of scholars allowing their beliefs to shape their research and the scientific community. Claims of bias are often linked to claims by conservatives of pervasive bias against political conservatives and religious Christians. Some have argued that these claims are based upon anecdotal evidence which would not reliably indicate systematic bias, and have suggested that this divide is due to self-selection of conservatives choosing not to pursue academic careers.[92][95] There is some evidence that perception of classroom bias may be rooted in issues of sexuality, race, class and sex as much or more than in religion.
Educational bias
Bias in education refers to real or perceived bias in the educational system. The content of school textbooks is often the issue of debate, as their target audience is young people, and the term "whitewashing" is used to refer to selective removal of critical or damaging evidence or comment(...)
- Contextual biases