Commercial LLMOps Platform

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A Commercial LLMOps Platform is a commercial devops platform (that provides the infrastructure and tools) for creation LLM devops systems (to operationalize LLM-based systems).

  • Context:
  • Example(s):
    • Valohai, which provides a cloud-based platform that supports both traditional ML and LLM fine-tuning, deployment, and monitoring.
    • Databricks: Offers a managed LLMOps environment including MLflow for tracking experiments and managing deployments.
    • Tune Studio, a platform that allows developers to fine-tune and deploy LLMs with a user-friendly interface.
    • OpenLLM: An open-source platform for fine-tuning, deploying, and monitoring LLMs, used by companies for LLM-based applications.
    • CometLLM: Provides facilities for managing and visualizing LLM prompt chains, enhancing prompt engineering efforts.
    • LangChain: Used for building LLM applications and integrating various LLMOps tools for prompt engineering and model deployment.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: OpenLLM, CometLLM, LangChain, Gemma
