Valohai MLOps Platform

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A Valohai MLOps Platform is a 3rd-party ML Ops platform.




    • QUOTE: ... Valohai is the MLOps platform that can automate everything from data extraction to model deployment. ...


    • QUOTE: ... From a theoretical point-of-view, Valohai is a predictive model lifecycle management platform for building machine learning systems. Valohai governs statistical models all the way from birth (preprocess + train + deploy) to termination (you stop using the model predictions).

      A machine learning system is an end-to-end machine learning solution that …

      • …extracts features from data (labeled or unlabeled)
      • …feeds those features to a training software to construct predictive models
      • …uses these models to make predictions on unseen data
    • These three pieces are always part of any machine learning solution; be it a self-driving car, a web store recommendation widget or your hobby project on your local machine. Valohai guides and supports you in building such systems in numerous automated ways which we’ll be covering throughout this documentation.

      From a technological point-of-view, Valohai is a workload processing ecosystem, akin to a continuous integration system but focused on machine learning tasks. Valohai fetches your code, configuration and data sources and makes your pipelines work smoothly on top of an automated infrastructure with a beautiful user interface.

       Valohai manages executions; you can think of them as “jobs” or “runs”. These are covered in more detail in the dedicated workload management section. Valohai includes additional bells-and-whistles for data science workflows, like you can see by exploring the rest of the documentation. ...