API Endpoint Specification

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A API Endpoint Specification is a formal specification that defines the interface contract for an API endpoint (used to enable API integration and API documentation).



[1] https://swagger.io/specification/
[2] https://swagger.io/resources/articles/difference-between-api-documentation-specification/
[3] https://blog.dreamfactory.com/5-best-api-documentation-tools
[4] https://document360.com/blog/api-documentation/
[5] https://docs.mulesoft.com/general/api-led-design
[6] https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/APIGateway/Tasks/apigatewaycreatingapiobject.htm
[7] https://daily.dev/blog/api-documentation-best-practices-11-tips-for-2024
[8] https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/what-is-api-definition-types-specifications-documentation/
[9] https://www.archbee.com/blog/api-documentation-specification-definition-difference
[10] https://www.getambassador.io/blog/openapi-specification-structure-best-practices


  • chat
    • Q: What is an API specification, and provide an example?
    • W: An API specification is a set of rules that describe how a software program should interact with a particular application programming interface (API). It defines the types of requests that can be made, the data formats that should be used, and the rules for handling errors and exceptions.

      For example, consider an API that allows a user to retrieve information about a specific product from an online store. The API specification for this API might define the following:

    • With this information, a developer can build a program that can interact with the API in a predictable and consistent way.