2011 BigDataGlossary
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- (Warden, 2011) ⇒ Paul Warden. (2011). “Big Data Glossary.” O'Reilly Media. ISBN:9781449317133
Subject Headings: Big Data Tool, Data Science Tool.
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Book Overview
To help you navigate the large number of new data tools available, this guide describes 60 of the most recent innovations, from NoSQL databases and MapReduce approaches to machine learning and visualization tools. Descriptions are based on first-hand experience with these tools in a production environment.
This handy glossary also includes a chapter of key terms that help define many of these tool categories:
- NoSQL Databases — Document-oriented databases using a key/value interface rather than SQL
- MapReduce — Tools that support distributed computing on large datasets
- Storage — Technologies for storing data in a distributed way
- Servers — Ways to rent computing power on remote machines
- Processing — Tools for extracting valuable information from large datasets
- Natural Language Processing — Methods for extracting information from human-created text
- Machine Learning — Tools that automatically perform data analyses, based on results of a one-off analysis
- Visualization — Applications that present meaningful data graphically
- Acquisition — Techniques for cleaning up messy public data sources
- Serialization — Methods to convert data structure or object state into a storable format
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Terms Document-Oriented Key/Value Stores Horizontal ScalingHorizontal or Vertical Scaling MapReduce Sharding
Chapter 2 NoSQL Databases MongoDB CouchDB Cassandra Redis BigTable HBase Hypertable Voldemort Riak ZooKeeper
Chapter 3 MapReduce Hadoop Hive Pig Cascading Cascalog mrjob Caffeine S4 MapR Acunu Flume Kafka Azkaban Oozie Greenplum
Chapter 4 Storage S3 Hadoop Distributed File System
Chapter 5 Servers EC2 Google App Engine Elastic Beanstalk Heroku
Chapter 6 Processing R Yahoo! Pipes Mechanical Turk Solr/Lucene ElasticSearch Datameer BigSheets Tinkerpop
Chapter 7 NLP Natural Language Toolkit OpenNLP Boilerpipe OpenCalais
Chapter 8 Machine Learning WEKA Mahout scikits.learn
Chapter 9 Visualization Gephi GraphViz Processing Protovis Fusion Tables Tableau
Chapter 10 Acquisition Google Refine Needlebase ScraperWiki
Chapter 11 Serialization JSON BSON Thrift Avro Protocol Buffers
Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2011 BigDataGlossary | Paul Warden | Big Data Glossary | 2011 |