2007 DetecSemRelsBetNEsInTextUsingContextualFeats

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This paper proposes a supervised learning method for detecting a semantic relation between a given pair of named entities, which may be located in different sentences. The method employs newly introduced contextual features based on centering theory as well as conventional syntactic and word-based features. These features are organized as a tree structure and are fed into a boosting-based classification algorithm. Experimental results show the proposed method outperformed prior methods, and increased precision and recall by 4.4% and 6.7%.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2007 DetecSemRelsBetNEsInTextUsingContextualFeatsYutaka Matsuo
T. Hirano
G. Kikui
Detecting Semantic Relations between Named Entities in Text Using Contextual FeaturesProceedings of ACL 2007http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P07/P07-2040.pdf2007