2006 SemiSupervisedLearning
- (Chapelle et al., 2006a) ⇒ Olivier Chapelle, Alexander Zien, and Bernhard Schölkopf. (2006). “Semi-Supervised Learning.” MIT Press. ISBN:0262033585
Subject Headings: Semi-Supervised Learning Task, Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithm.
- It is an Edited Volume.
- It contains:
- (Chapelle et al., 2006b) ⇒ Olivier Chapelle, Alexander Zien, and Bernhard Schölkopf (Editors). (2006). “Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning.” In: (Chapelle et al., 2006a)
Book Overview
In the field of machine learning, semi-supervised learning (SSL) occupies the middle ground, between supervised learning (in which all training examples are labeled) and unsupervised learning (in which no label data are given). Interest in SSL has increased in recent years, particularly because of application domains in which unlabeled data are plentiful, such as images, text, and bioinformatics. This first comprehensive overview of SSL presents state-of-the-art algorithms, a taxonomy of the field, selected applications, benchmark experiments, and perspectives on ongoing and future research.
Semi-Supervised Learning first presents the key assumptions and ideas underlying the field: smoothness, cluster or low-density separation, manifold structure, and transduction. The core of the book is the presentation of SSL methods, organized according to algorithmic strategies. After an examination of generative models, the book describes algorithms that implement the low-density separation assumption, graph-based methods, and algorithms that perform two-step learning. The book then discusses SSL applications and offers guidelines for SSL practitioners by analyzing the results of extensive benchmark experiments. Finally, the book looks at interesting directions for SSL research. The book closes with a discussion of the relationship between semi-supervised learning and transduction.
1. Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning
1.1 Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Learning 1 1.2 When Can Semi-Supervised Learning Work? 4 1.3 Classes of Algorithms and Organization of This Book 8
I. Generative Models 13
2. A Taxonomy for Semi-Supervised Learning Methods
Matthias W. Seeger 15 2.1 The Semi-Supervised Learning Problem 15 2.2 Paradigms for Semi-Supervised Learning 17 2.3 Examples 22 2.4 Conclusions 31
3. Semi-Supervised Text Classification Using EM
N. C. Nigam, Andrew McCallum and Tom Mitchell 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 A Generative Model for Text 35 3.3 Experminental Results with Basic EM 41 3.4 Using a More Expressive Generative Model 43 3.5 Overcoming the Challenges of Local Maxima 49 3.6 Conclusions and Summary 54
4. Risks of Semi-Supervised Learning
Fabio Cozman and Ira Cohen 57 4.1 Do Unlabled Data Improve or Degrade Classification Performance? 57 4.2 Understanding Unlabeled Data: Asymptotic Bias 59 4.3 The Asymptotic Analysis of Generative Smei-Supervised Learning 63 4.4 The Value of Labeled and Unlabeled Data 67 4.5 Finite Sample Effects 69 4.6 Model Search and Robustness 70 4.7 Conclusion 71
5. Probabilistic Semi-Supervised Cluster with Constraints
Sugato Basu, Mikhail Bilenko, Arindam Banerjee and Raymond Mooney 73 5.1 Introduction 74 5.2 HMRF Model for Semi-Supervised Clustering 75 5.3 HMRF-KMeans Algorithm 81 5.4 Active Learning for Constraint Acquistion 93 5.5 Experimental Results 96 5.6 Related Work 100 5.7 Conclusions 101
II. Low-Density Separation 103
6. Transductive Support Vector Machines
Thorsten Joachims 105 6.1 Introduction 105 6.2 Transductive Support Vector Machines 108 6.3 Why Use Margin on the Test Set? 111 6.4 Experiments and Applications of the TSVMs 112 6.5 Solving the TSVM Optimization Problem 114 6.6 Connection to Related Approaches 116 6.7 Summary and Conclusions 116
7. Semi-Supervised Learning Using Semi-Definite Programming
Tijl De Bie and Nello Cristianini 119 7.1 Relaxing SVM transduction 119 7.2 An Approximation for Speedup 126 7.3 General Semi-Supervised Learning Settings 128 7.4 Empirical Results 129 7.5 Summary and Outlook 133
The Extended Schur Complement Lemma 134
8. Gaussian Processes and the Null-Category Noise Model Neil D. Lawrence and Michael I. Jordan 137 8.1 Introduction 137 8.2 The Noise Model 141 8.3 Process Model and the Effect of the Null-Category 143 8.4 Posterior Inference and Prediction 145 8.5 Results 147 8.6 Discussion 149
9. Entropy Regularization
Yves Grandvalet and Yoshua Bengio 151 9.1 Introduction 151 9.2 Derivation of the Criterion 152 9.3 Optimization Algorithms 155 9.4 Related Methods 158 9.5 Experiments 160 9.6 Conclusion 166
Proof of Theorem 9.1 166
10. Data-Dependent Regularization
Adrian Corduneanu and Tommi S. Jaakkola 169 10.1 Introduction 169 10.2 Information Regularization on Metric Spaces 174 10.3 Information Regularization and Relational Data 182 10.4 Discussion 189
III. Graph-based Models 191
11. Label Propogation and Quadratic Criterion
Yoshua Bengio, Olivier Delalleau and Nicolas Le Roux 193 11.1 Introduction 193 11.2 Label Propogation on a Similarity Graph 194 11.3 Quadratic Cost Criterion 198 11.4 From Transduction to Induction 205 11.5 Incorporating Class Prior Knowledge 205 11.6 Curse of Dimensionality for Semi-Supervised Learning 206 11.7 Discussion 215
12. The Geometric Basis of Semi-Supervised Learning
Vikas Sindhwani, Misha Belkin and Partha Niyogi 217 12.1 Introduction 217 12.2 Incorporating Geometry in Regularization 220 12.3 Algorithms 224 12.4 Data-Dependent Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning 229 12.5 Linear Methods for Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Learning 231 12.6 Connections to Other Algorithms and Related Work 232 12.7 Future Directions 234
13. Discrete Regularization
Dengyong Zhou and Bernhard Schölkopf 237 13.1 Introduction 237 13.2 Discrete Analysis 239 13.3 Discrete Regularization 245 13.4 Conclusion 249
14. Semi-Supervised Learning with Conditional Harmonic Mixing
Christopher J. C. Burges and John C. Platt 251 14.1 Introduction 251 14.2 Conditional Harmonic Mixing 255 14.3 Learning in CHM Models 256 14.4 Incorporating Prior Knowledge 261 14.5 Learning the Conditionals 261 14.6 Model Averaging 262 14.7 Experiments 263 14.8 Conclusions 273
IV. Change of Representation 275
15. Graph Kernels by Spectral Transforms
Xiaojin Zhu, Jaz Kandola, John Lafferty and Zoubin Ghahramani 277 15.1 The Graph Laplacian 278 15.2 Kernels by Spectral Transforms 280 15.3 Kernel Alignment 281 15.4 Optimizing Alignment Using QCQP for Semi-Supervised Learning 282 15.5 Semi-Supervised Kernels with Order Restraints 283 15.6 Experimental Results 285 15.7 Conclusion 289
16. Spectral Methods for Dimensionality Reduction
Lawrence K. Saul, Kilian Weinberger, Fei Sha and Jihun Ham 293 16.1 Introduction 293 16.2 Linear Methods 295 16.3 Graph-based Methods 297 16.4 Kernel Methods 303 16.5 Discussion 306
17. Modifying Distances
Alon Orlitsky and Sajama 309 17.1 Introduction 309 17.2 Estimating DBD Metrics 312 17.3 Computing DBD Metrics 321 17.4 Semi-Supervised Learning Using Density-based Metrics 327 17.5 Conclusions and Future Work 329
V. Semi-Supervised Learning in Practice 331
18. Large-Scale Algorithms
Olivier Delalleau, Yoshua Bengio and Nicolas Le Roux 333 18.1 Introduction 333 18.2 Cost Approximations 334 18.3 Subset Selection 337 18.4 Discussion 340
19. Semi-Supervised Protein Classification Using Cluster Kernels
Jason Weston, Christina Leslie, Eugene Ie and William Stafford Noble 343 19.1 Introduction 343 19.2 Representation and Kernels for Protein Sequences 345 19.3 Semi-Supervised Kernels for Protein Sequences 348 19.4 Experiments 352 19.5 Discussion 358
20. Prediction of Protein Function from Networks
Hyunjung Shin and Koji Tsuda 361 20.1 Introduction 361 20.2 Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning 364 20.3 Combining Multiple Graphs 366 20.4 Experiments on Function Prediction of Proteins 369 20.5 Conclusion and Outlook 374
21. Analysis of Benchmarks 377 21.1 The Benchmark 377 21.2 Application of SSL Methods 383 21.3 Results and Discussion 390
VI. Perspectives 395
22. An Augmented PAC Model for Semi-Supervised Learning
Maria-Florina Balcan and Avrim Blum 397 22.1 Introduction 398 22.2 A Formal Framework 400 22.3 Sample Complexity Results 403 22.4 Algorithmic Results 412 22.5 Related Models and Discussion 416
23. Metric-based Approaches for Semi-Supervised Regression and Classification
Dale Schuurmans, Finnegan Southey, Dana Wilkinson and Yuhong Guo 421 23.1 Introduction 421 23.2 Metric Structure of Supervised Learning 423 23.3 Model Selection 426 23.4 Regularization 436 23.5 Classification 445 23.6 Conclusion 449
24. Transductive Inference and Semi-Supervised Learning
Vladimir Vapnik 453 24.1 Problem Settings 453 24.2 Problem of Generalization in Inductive and Transductive Inference 455 24.3 Structure of the VC Bounds and Transductive Inference 457 24.4 The Symmetrization Lemma and Transductive Inference 458 24.5 Bounds for Transductive Inference 459 24.6 The Structural Risk Minimization Principle for Induction and Transduction 460 24.7 Combinatorics in Transductive Inference 462 24.8 Measures of Size of Equivalence Classes 463 24.9 Algorithms for Inductive and Transductive SVMs 465 24.10 Semi-Supervised Learning 470 24.11 Conclusion:
Transductive Inference and the New Problems of Inference 470
24.12 Beyond Transduction: Selective Inference 471 25. A Discussion of Semi-Supervised Learning and Transduction,
Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2006 SemiSupervisedLearning | Bernhard Schölkopf Olivier Chapelle Alexander Zien | Semi-Supervised Learning | 2006 |