2006 RelExtrUsingLabelPropSemiSupLearn
- (Chen, Ji et al., 2006) ⇒ Jinxiu Chen, Donghong Ji, Chew Lim Tan, Zhengyu Niu. (2006). “Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-supervised Learning.” In: Proceedings of ACL 2006 (ACL 2006).
Subject Headings: Relation Detection from Text Algorithm, Semi-supervised Induction Algorithm
Cited By
Shortage of manually labeled data is an obstacle to supervised relation extraction methods. In this paper we investigate a graph based semi-supervised learning algorithm, a label propagation (LP) algorithm, for relation extraction. It represents labeled and unlabeled examples and their distances as the nodes and the weights of edges of a graph, and tries to obtain a labeling function to satisfy two constraints: 1) it should be fixed on the labeled nodes, 2) it should be smooth on the whole graph. Experiment results on the ACE corpus showed that this LP algorithm achieves better performance than SVM when only very few labeled examples are available, and it also performs better than bootstrapping for the relation extraction task.
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Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2006 RelExtrUsingLabelPropSemiSupLearn | Chew Lim Tan Jinxiu Chen Donghong Ji Zhengyu Niu | Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-supervised Learning | http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/chime/060628/Relation extraction.pdf |