2005 SimpleAlgsForCompleRelExtrWithAppsToBioIE

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Subject Headings: Complex Relation Mention Recognition Algorithm, Biomedical Information Extraction


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  • (Zhang, 2008)
    • QUOTE: While typical work in this area almost focuses on binary relations, McDonald et al. [7] presented a simple two-stage method for extracting complex (n-ary) relations between named entities in text. The first stage creates a graph from pairs of entities that are likely to be related, and the second stage scores maximal cliques in that graph as potential complex relation instances. The method is evaluated in the biomedical domain.



A complex relation is any n-ary relation in which some of the arguments may be unspecified. We present here a simple two-stage method for extracting complex relations between named entities in text. The first stage creates a graph from pairs of entities that are likely to be related, and the second stage scores maximal cliques in that graph as potential complex relation instances. We evaluate the new method against a standard baseline for extracting genomic variation relations from biomedical text.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2005 SimpleAlgsForCompleRelExtrWithAppsToBioIERyan T. McDonald
Fernando Pereira
Yang Jin
Seth Kulick
Scott Winters
Pete White
Simple Algorithms for Complex Relation Extraction with Applications to Biomedical IEProceedings of the ACL Conferencehttp://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1220000/1219901/p491-mcdonald.pdf?key1=1219901&key2=0929047921&coll=DL&dl=ACM&CFID=8535024&CFTOKEN=734870602005