2005 DiscovRelsBetNEsFromALargeCorpus
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- (Zhang et al., 2005) ⇒ Min Zhang, Jian Su, Danmei Wang, Guodong Zhou, Chew Lim Tan. (2005). “Discovering Relations between Named Entities from a Large Raw Corpus Using Tree Similarity-based Clustering.” In: Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2005).
Subject Headings: Relation Recognition from Text Algorithm, Unsupervised Learning Algorithm
Cited By
- We propose a tree-similarity-based unsupervised learning method to extract relations between Named Entities from a large raw corpus. Our method regards relation extraction as a clustering problem on shallow parse trees. First, we modify previous tree kernels on relation extraction to estimate the similarity between parse trees more efficiently. Then, the similarity between parse trees is used in a hierarchical clustering algorithm to group entity pairs into different clusters. Finally, each cluster is labeled by an indicative word and unreliable clusters are pruned out. Evaluation on the New York Times (1995) corpus shows that our method outperforms the only previous work by 5 in F-measure. It also shows that our method performs well on both high-frequent and lessfrequent entity pairs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to use a tree similarity metric in relation clustering."
- Hasegawa et al. [8] proposed a cosine similarity-based unsupervised learning approach for extracting relations from a large raw corpus. The context words in between the same entity pairs in different sentences are used to form word vectors, which are then clustered according to the cosine similarity. This approach does not rely on any annotated corpus and works effectively on high-frequent entity pairs [8]. However, there are two problems in this approach:
- The assumption that the same entity pairs in different sentences have the same relation.
- The cosine similarity measure between the flat feature vectors, which only consider the words between entities.
- In this paper, we propose a tree similarity-based unsupervised learning approach for relation extraction. In order to resolve the above two problems in Hasegawa et al. [8], we assume that the same entity pairs in different sentences can have different relation types. Moreover, rather than the cosine similarity measure, a similarity function over parse trees is proposed to capture much larger feature spaces instead of the simple word features.
Tree Similarity-based Unsupervised Learning
- We use the shallow parse tree as the representation of relation instances, and regard relation extraction as a clustering problem on shallow parse trees. Our method consists of three steps:
- Calculating the similarity between two parse trees using a tree similarity function;
- Clustering relation instances based on the similarities using a hierarchical clustering algorithm;
- Labeling each cluster using indicative words as its relation type, and pruning out unreliable clusters.
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Author | volume | Date Value | title | type | journal | titleUrl | doi | note | year | |
2005 DiscovRelsBetNEsFromALargeCorpus | Min Zhang Jian Su Danmei Wang Chew Lim Tan GuoDong Zhou | Discovering Relations between Named Entities from a Large Raw Corpus Using Tree Similarity-based Clustering | http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~tancl/Papers/IJCNLP05/144 IE IJCNLP manuscript.pdf |