2004 LargeScaleBayesianLogRegForTextCat

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  • M. Y. Park and Trevor Hastie. (2006). L1 Regularization Path Algorithm for Generalized Linear Models
    • "Other researchers have implemented algorithms for L1 regularized logistic regression for

diverse applications. For example, Genkin, Lewis & Madigan (2004) proposed an algorithm for L1 regularized logistic regression (for text categorization) in a Bayesian context, in which the parameter of the prior distribution was their regularization parameter. They chose the parameter based on the norm of the feature vectors or through cross-validation, performing a separate optimization for each potential value. Our method of using the solutions for a certain as the starting point for the next, smaller o ers the critical advantage of reducing the number of computations.


 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2004 LargeScaleBayesianLogRegForTextCatA. Genkin
D. Lewis
D. Madigan
Large-scale bayesian logistic regression for text categorizationhttp://stat.rutgers.edu/~madigan/PAPERS/techno-06-09-18.pdf2004