2004 InformationDiffusionThroughBlogspace
- (Gruhl et al., 2004) ⇒ Daniel Gruhl, Ramanathan V. Guha, David Liben-Nowell, and Andrew Tomkins. (2004). “Information Diffusion through Blogspace.” In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2004) doi:10.1145/988672.988739
Subject Headings: Cascades, Information Propagation, Blogspace.
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- It focuses on mining topics from blog posts.
- related to (Kumar et al., 2003) ⇒ R. Kumar, J. Novak, P. Raghavan, and A. Tomkins. (2003). “On the bursty evolution of blogspace.” In: WWW 2003.
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- ~481 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22Information+diffusion+through+blogspace%22+2004
- ~132 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=988672.988739&preflayout=flat#citedby
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- (Leskovec et al., 2007) ⇒ Jure Leskovec, Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin, Christos Faloutsos, Jeanne VanBriesen, and Natalie Glance. (2007). “Cost-effective Outbreak Detection in Networks.” In: Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2007) doi:10.1145/1281192.1281239
- QUOTE: … more recently, cascades we used for studying viral marketing, selecting trendsetters in social networks, and explaining trends in blogspace <Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded>Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded9, 13<Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded>Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded. Studies of blogspace either spend effort mining topics from posts <Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded>Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded9<Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded>Expansion depth limit exceededExpansion depth limit exceeded or consider only the properties of blogspace as a graph of unlabeled URLs [13].
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viruses, memes, information propagation, viral propagation, topic structure, topic characterization, blogs.
Expansion depth limit exceeded We study the dynamics of information propagation in environments of low-overhead personal publishing, using a large collection of weblogs over time as our example domain. We characterize and model this collection at two levels. First, we present a macroscopic characterization of topic propagation through our corpus, formalizing the notion of long-running "chatter" topics consisting recursively of "spike" topics generated by outside world events, or more rarely, by resonances within the community. Second, we present a microscopic characterization of propagation from individual to individual, drawing on the theory of infectious diseases to model the flow. We propose, validate, and employ an algorithm to induce the underlying propagation network from a sequence of posts, and report on the results.
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}}{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|doi=10.1145/956750.956769|title=Information Diffusion through Blogspace|titleUrl=http://wwwconference.org/www2004/docs/1p491.pdf}}