2000 PartWholeReasoning

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Subject Headings: PartOf Relation, Description Logics


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1 Description Logics

Description logics are languages tailored for expressing knowledge about concepts and concept hierarchies. The concept hierarchies represent the isa relation between concepts. Description logics are usually given a Tarskistyle declarative semantics, which allows them to be seen as sub-languages of predicate logic. The main entities in description logics are

  • concepts, which can be considered as unary predicates which are interpreted as sets of objects over a domain. Examples of concepts are soccer-team and ida-employee.
  • roles which can be considered as binary predicates which are interpreted as binary relations between the objects in the domain. An example of a role is member which may represent a relation between a team and the persons belonging to the team.
  • individuals which are interpreted as objects in the domain. For example, a particular member of a team would be represented by an individual.

Footnote: Description logics have also been referred to as terminological logics, concept languages and KL-ONE-like languages. They have their origin in semantic networks and frame-based systems. The web page of the description logic community is found at address http://dl.kr.org/dl

2 Terminological Knowledge

In description logics the distinction between terminological knowledge and assertional knowledge is often made. The terminological knowledge includes knowledge about concepts while the assertional knowledge includes knowledge about individuals. In this section we de ne a language for the representation of terminological knowledge while in the next section we de ne a language for the representation of assertional knowledge.

2.1 Assertional Knowledge

Assertional statements are used to make statements about individuals. An assertional statement is of the form i :: C, where i is an individual name (<symbol>) and C a concept description (<concept-descr>) as de ned before. This means then that "[i] 2 "[C]. The information that is explicitly stated in an assertional statement is said to be told information. An Abox is a nite set of assertional statements. We say that an individual is de ned in an Abox if it appears in any one of the statements in the Abox. We assume that within one Abox an individual has a unique name.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2000 PartWholeReasoningPatrick LambrixPart-Whole Reasoning in an Object-Centered Frameworkhttp://www.springerlink.com/content/nnvu22qfw9lu/2000