1995 NoiseReductInStatisticApproachToTextCategorization

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Subject Headings: Document Clustering; Ontology; Comparison Study.


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This paper studies noise reduction for computational efficiency improvements in a [[statistical learning method for text categorization]], the Linear Least Squares Fit (LLSF) mapping. Multiple noise reduction strategies are proposed and evaluated, including: an aggressive removal of “non-informative words” from texts before training; the use of a truncated singular value decomposition to cut off noisylatent semantic structures” during training; the elimination of non-influential components in the LLSF solution (a word-concept association matrix) after training. Text collections in different domains were used for evaluation. Significant improvements in computational efficiency without losing categorization accuracy were evident in the testing results.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1995 NoiseReductInStatisticApproachToTextCategorizationYiming YangNoise Reduction in a Statistical Approach to Text CategorizationProceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrievalhttp://nyc.lti.cs.cmu.edu/yiming/Publications/yang-sigir95.pdf1995