1995 NewsWeederLearntoFiltNetnews

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A significant problem in many information filtering systems is the dependence on the user for the creation and maintenance of a user profile, which describes the user's interests. NewsWeeder is a netnews-filtering system that addresses this problem by letting the user rate his or her interest level for each article being read (1-5), and then learning a user profile based on these ratings. This paper describes how NewsWeeder accomplishes this task, and examines the alternative learning methods used. The results show that a learning algorithm based on the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle was able to raise the percentage of interesting articles to be shown to users from 14% to 52% on average. Further, this performance significantly outperformed (by 21%) one of the most successful techniques in Information Retrieval (IR), termfrequency /inverse-document-frequency (tf-idf) weighting.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1995 NewsWeederLearntoFiltNetnewsKen LangNewsWeeder: Learning to Filter Netnewshttp://www.citeulike.org/group/4225/article/1607788