1994 CitationBasedAuditOfAcademicPerformance
- (Cronin & Overfelt, 1994) ⇒ Blaise Cronin, Kara Overfelt. (1994). “Citation-based Auditing of Academic Performance.” In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science (2).
Subject Headings:
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The use of citation data in evaluating the research performance of academic programs and individual faculty members is explored in the context of a 10-year analysis of a single academic unit. An attempt is made to control for possible accounting bias in earlier studies by comparing the results obtained using 3 different approaches to allocating citational credit in the case of multiauthored works: 1. straight counts (first author only receives credit), 2. whole counts (each author receives full credit), and 3. adjusted counts (fractions are awarded to each coauthor). Citation scores are correlated with salary, time-in-field, and gender. The results of the study raise serious questions about the validity of research rankings derived from perception studies.