Nominal Entity Mention

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A Nominal Entity Mention is an entity mention that is not composed solely of a named entity or a pronoun.

  • AKA: Nominal Mention.
  • Context:
  • Example(s):
    • "[the bomb maker]" with no named entities.
    • "[their neighbor]" with no named entities.
    • "[a much-maligned company]" with no named entities.
    • "[Hamas bomb maker Mohyideen Sharif]" with named entities.
    • "[neighboring Singapore]" with named entities.
    • "[the much-maligned TempCorp Company]" with named entities.
    • "[muslims] and [croats]"
    • "[many streams] and [rivers]"
    • "from [the downtown area] to [the suburbs]”
    • "[almost every serb], [croat] and [muslim in bosnia]"
    • "from [the foothills] to [the prairie]"
    • "[the couple], [victims of a health-insurance scam], are slowly rebuilding their savings"
    • the company’s president]" <=> "[the president of [the company]]"
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Class Entity, Nominal Entity Mention Detection Task.



  • (Wikipedia, 2013) ⇒
    • In systemic functional grammar (SFG), a nominal group is a group of words which expresses an entity, for example "The nice old English police inspector who was sitting at the table is Mr. Morse". Grammatically here, "The nice old English police inspector who was sitting at the table" functions as a nominal group and acts like the subject of the sentence. A "nominal group" is widely regarded as synonymous to noun phrase in other grammatical models,[1][2] although Halliday and some of his followers draw a theoretical distinction between the terms group and phrase. He argues that 'A phrase is different from a group in that, whereas a group is an expansion of a word, a phrase is a contraction of a clause'.[3] Halliday borrowed the term 'group' from the linguist/classicist Sydney Allen.[4]


  • (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒
    • In English, a nominal group typically comprises a noun surrounded by other items (words) that all in some way characterise that noun. Within a clause, a nominal group functions as though it is that noun, which is referred to as the head; the items preceding the head are called the premodifiers, and the items after it the postmodifiers. [1] In the following example of a nominal group, the head is bolded.
      • Those five beautiful shiny Jonathan apples sitting on the chair
    • English is a highly nominalised language, and thus lexical meaning is largely carried in nominal groups. This is partly because of the flexibility of these groups in encompassing pre- and postmodifiers, and partly because of the availability of a special resource called the thematic equative, which has evolved as a means of packaging the message of a clause in the desired thematic form[2] (for example, the clause [What attracts her to the course] is [the depth of understanding it provides] is structured as [nominal group Daniel S. Weld = [nominal group B]). Many things are most readily expressed in nominal constructions; this is particularly so in registers that have to do with the world of science and technology, where things, and the ideas behind them, are multiplying and proliferating all the time. [3]

  • (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒
    • In linguistics, a nominal is a word or group of words functioning as a noun. The word is also sometimes used as a shortened form of "nominal phrase", a synonym for "noun phrase". “Nominal" can also mean a sequence of one or more nouns that do not form a complete noun phrase. In other uses, it refers to a class of word that encapsulates both parts of speech in English as nouns and adjectives.

  1. David Crystal, 2008. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th edition, p 328: nominal group' = ‘noun phrase’.
  2. Butler, Downing, & Lavid, 2007. Functional perspectives on grammar and discourse: in honour of Angela Downing, p xxi: the nominal group (Halliday's term for the noun phrase) ; p 165: the English nominal group (aka noun phrase)
  3. Halliday, M.A.K. and Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. 2004 An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Arnold: p311.
  4. Halliday, M.A.K. 2005. Studies in the English Language. Volume 7 in the Collected Works of M.A.K. Halliday. Edited by J.J.Webster. London and New York: Continuum. p xvi.