Journalistic Reporter

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A Journalistic Reporter is a professional reporter who gathers, verifies, and presents news information (to inform public audiences through media outlets) and performs journalism tasks.



  • (Wikipedia, 2023) ⇒ Retrieved:2023-2-1.
    • A journalist is an individual that collects/gathers information in form of text, audio, or pictures, processes them into a news-worthy form, and disseminates it to the public. The act or process mainly done by the journalist is called journalism.


  • Thomas Frank. (2016). “The media’s extermination of Bernie Sanders, and real reform." Harpers Magazine.
    • QUOTE: Who are these people

      … The professionalization of journalism is a well-known historical narrative. James Fallows, in Breaking the News (1996), describes how journalism went from being “a high working-class activity” to an occupation for “college boys” in the mid-1960s. The Washington Post’s role in this story, as a compulsive employer of Ivy League graduates, is also well known. Indeed, the concentration of obnoxious Ivy Leaguers at the Post was once so great, Fallows writes, that editor Leonard Downie (who went to Ohio State) was known among his colleagues as “Land-Grant Len.” At present, five of the eight members of the Post’s editorial board are graduates of Ivy League universities. …
      … Choosing Clinton over Sanders was, I think, a no-brainer for this group. They understand modern economics, they know not to fear Wall Street or free trade. And they addressed themselves to the Sanders campaign by doing what professionals always do: defining the boundaries of legitimacy, by which I mean, defining Sanders out.