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Lucene in Action, 2nd Edition +
Machine Reading at the University of Washington +
Malstone: Towards a Benchmark for Analytics on Large Data Clouds +
Managing and Mining Graph Data +
MapReduce: A Flexible Data Processing Tool +
Markets, Religion, Community Size, and the Evolution of Fairness and Punishment +
Mass Estimation and Its Applications +
Master Math: AP Statistics, 1st Edition +
Meaning in Life and Why It Matters +
Medical Coding Classification by Leveraging Inter-code Relationships +
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming +
Metric Forensics: A Multi-level Approach for Mining Volatile Graphs +
MineFleet®: An Overview of a Widely Adopted Distributed Vehicle Performance Data Mining System +
Minimum Wage Effects Across State Borders: Estimates Using Contiguous Counties +
Mining Advisor-advisee Relationships from Research Publication Networks +
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks +
Mining Medical Data to Improve Patient Outcomes +
Mining Periodic Behaviors for Moving Objects +
Mining Positive and Negative Patterns for Relevance Feature Discovery +
Mining Program Workflow from Interleaved Traces +
Mining Top-k Frequent Items in a Data Stream with Flexible Sliding Windows +
Mining Uncertain Data with Probabilistic Guarantees +
Mismeasuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn't Add Up +
Mixture Models for Learning Low-dimensional Roles in High-dimensional Data +
Modeling Relational Events via Latent Classes +
Modeling Relations and their Mentions Without Labeled Text +
Modeling Relationship Strength in Online Social Networks +
Modeling with Networked Data +
Multi-document Summarization via Budgeted Maximization of Submodular Functions +
Multi-label Learning by Exploiting Label Dependency +
Multi-task Learning for Boosting with Application to Web Search Ranking +
Multiple Kernel Learning for Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection: Algorithm and Aviation Safety Case Study +
Negative Correlations in Collaboration: Concepts and Algorithms +
Neighbor Query Friendly Compression of Social Networks +
New Developments in the Theory of Clustering +
New Perspectives and Methods in Link Prediction +
Nonnegative Shared Subspace Learning and Its Application to Social Media Retrieval +
On Community Outliers and their Efficient Detection in Information Networks +
On Integrating Event Definition and Event Detection +
On The Definition Of Patterns For Semantic Annotation +
Online Discovery and Maintenance of Time Series Motifs +
Online Multiscale Dynamic Topic Models +
On the Meaning of Work: A Theoretical Integration and Review +
On the Quality of Inferring Interests from Social Neighbors +
Ontological Reasoning for Improving the Treatment of Emotions in Text +
Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective +
Ontology-based Information Extraction: An introduction and a survey of current approaches +
Ontology-based multi perspective requirements traceability framework +
Optimizing Debt Collections Using Constrained Reinforcement Learning +
Overlapping Experiment Infrastructure: More, Better, Faster Experimentation +
PET: A Statistical Model for Popular Events Tracking in Social Communities +
PSORTb 3.0: Improved protein subcellular localization prediction with refined localization subcategories and predictive capabilities for all prokaryotes +
Parallel SimRank Computation on Large Graphs with Iterative Aggregation +
Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs Between Speed and Accuracy +
Philosophy of the MiniZinc Challenge +
Practical Very Large Scale CRFs +
Predicting the Popularity of Online Content +
Preface to (Wolf, 2010) +
Privacy-preserving Outsourcing Support Vector Machines with Random Transformation +
Privacy-preserving Public Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing +
Probabilistic Topic Models for Learning Terminological Ontologies +
Probably the Best Itemsets +
Programming in Scala +
Recommender Problems for Web Applications +
Record-level Peculiarity-based Data Analysis and Classifications +
Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines +
Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model +
Recurrent Neural Network based Language Model. +
Redefining Class Definitions Using Constraint-based Clustering: An Application to Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface +
Regularized Margin-based Conditional Log-likelihood Loss for Prototype Learning +
Relational Retrieval Using a Combination of Path-constrained Random Walks +
Resource-aware Annotation through Active Learning +
Response to (Wolf, 2010) +
Running Experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk +
Scalable Influence Maximization for Prevalent Viral Marketing in Large-scale Social Networks +
Scalable Similarity Search with Optimized Kernel Hashing +
SemEval-2010 Task 5: Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles +
Semantic Content Access using Domain-Independent NLP Ontologies +
Semantic Disclosure in an e-Science Environment +
Semantic Enriching of Natural Language Texts with Automatic Thematic Role Annotation +
Semantic Relation Extraction with Kernels over Typed Dependency Trees +
Semantic Role Labeling +
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources +
Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Graph Classification +
Semi-supervised Sparse Metric Learning Using Alternating Linearization Optimization +
Short Text Similarity based on Probabilistic Topics +
Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings +
Social Action Tracking via Noise Tolerant Time-varying Factor Graphs +
Software Framework for Topic Modelling with Large Corpora +
Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion +
Semantics for Enhancing Document Clustering +
Streaming Covariance Selection with Applications to Adaptive Querying in Sensor Networks +
Structural Semantic Relatedness: A Knowledge-based Method to Named Entity Disambiguation +
Suggesting Friends Using the Implicit Social Graph +
Supervised Identification and Linking of Concept Mentions to a Domain-Specific Ontology +
Supervised Noun Phrase Coreference Research: The First Fifteen Years +
Supervised Ontology to Document Interlinking +
Support Workers in Social Care in England: A Scoping Study +
Supporting Reuse of Knowledge of Failures through Ontology-based Semantic Search +
TAGME: On-the-fly Annotation of Short Text Fragments (by Wikipedia Entities) +