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Scientific Paper Summarization Using Citation Summary Networks +
Semantic Analysis based on Ontologies with Semantic Web Standards +
Semi-supervised Approach to Rapid and Reliable Labeling of Large Data Sets +
Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey (revised edition) +
Semi-supervised Learning with Data Calibration for Long-term Time Series Forecasting +
Semsearch: Refining Semantic Search. +
Simultaneous Tensor Subspace Selection and Clustering: The Equivalence of High Order Svd and K-means Clustering +
Social Networks: Looking Ahead +
Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation with the Graphical Lasso +
Lecture 2 - Spatial Concepts and Representation of Spatial Objects +
Specifying Coordination: An Investigation into the Syntax of Dislocation, Extraposition and Parenthesis +
Spectral Domain-transfer Learning +
Spotting Out Emerging Artists Using Geo-aware Analysis of P2P Query Strings +
Stable Feature Selection via Dense Feature Groups +
Stacking Dependency Parsers +
Statistical Machine Translation +
Statistical Properties of Community Structure in Large Social and Information Networks +
Statistics is Easy! +
Stochastics: introduction to probability theory and statistics +
Stream Prediction Using a Generative Model based on Frequent Episodes in Event Sequences +
Structured Entity Identification and Document Categorization: Two Tasks with One Joint Model +
Structured Learning for Non-smooth Ranking Losses +
Structured Metric Learning for High Dimensional Problems +
Succinct Summarization of Transactional Databases: An Overlapped Hyperrectangle Scheme +
Supersense Tagger for Italian +
SweetWiki: A semantic wiki +
Swoosh: A generic approach to entity resolution +
Tagmark: Reliable Estimations of RFID Tags for Business Processes +
Temporal Pattern Discovery for Trends and Transient Effects: Its Application to Patient Records +
Text Classification, Business Intelligence, and Interactivity: Automating C-Sat Analysis for Services Industry +
Text Document Clustering Based on Frequent Word Meaning Sequences +
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A reference dataset for bibliographic research in computational linguistics +
The AI Dictionary +
The Annotation Conundrum +
The CoNLL-2008 Shared Task on Joint Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies +
The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics +
The Cost of Privacy: Destruction of Data-mining Utility in Anonymized Data Publishing +
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives +
The Future of Image Search +
The ITI TXM Corpora: Tissue Expressions and Protein-Protein Interactions +
The Impact of Named Entity Normalization on Information Retrieval for Question Answering +
The Inner History of Devices +
The Machine Learning Dictionary for COMP9414 +
The Natural Language Processing Dictionary +
The Persuasive Phase of Visualization +
The Semantic Web: Webizing Knowledge Representation +
The strength of co-authorship in gene name disambiguation +
The Structure of Information Pathways in a Social Communication Network +
The Thematic and Citation Landscape of Data and Knowledge Engineering (1985–2007) +
The Tradeoffs Between Open and Traditional Relation Extraction +
Topic Indexing with Wikipedia +
Topic Modeling with Network Regularization +
Topic Models Conditioned on Arbitrary Features with Dirichlet-multinomial Regression +
Topical Query Decomposition +
Toward Human Level Machine Intelligence - Is It Achievable? The Need for a Paradigm Shift +
Training Structural Svms with Kernels Using Sampled Cuts +
Transforming Wikipedia into Named Entity Training Data +
Trends in US Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists +
Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression +
Two Languages Are Better Than One (for Syntactic Parsing) +
Uncovering the Relational Web +
Understanding the Value of Features for Coreference Resolution +
Unsupervised Deduplication Using Cross-field Dependencies +
Unsupervised Feature Selection for Principal Components Analysis +
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relations for Molecular Biology Ontologies +
Unsupervised Models for Coreference Resolution +
Using Ghost Edges for Classification in Sparsely Labeled Networks +
Using Predictive Analysis to Improve Invoice-to-cash Collection +
Using Tagflake for Condensing Navigable Tag Hierarchies from Tag Clouds +
Volatile Correlation Computation: A Checkpoint View +
Weakly-supervised Acquisition of Labeled Class Instances Using Graph Random Walks +
Web-scale named entity recognition +
Weighted Graphs and Disconnected Components: Patterns and a Generator +
Whole Brain Emulation +
XIA-MAN: An Extensible, Integrative Architecture for Intelligent Humanoid Robotics +
YAGO: A Large Ontology from Wikipedia and WordNet +
A Belief Desire Intention Multi Agent System in a Virtual Learning Environment +
A Case Study of Behavior-driven Conjoint Analysis on Yahoo!: Front Page Today Module +
A Data Mining Ontology for Algorithm Selection and Meta-Mining +
A Fully Automated Method for Discovering Community Structures in High Dimensional Data +
A Generalized Co-HITS Algorithm and Its Application to Bipartite Graphs +
A Hierarchical Approach to Model Web Query Interfaces for Web Source Integration +
A LRT Framework for Fast Spatial Anomaly Detection +
A Multi-relational Approach to Spatial Classification +
A Novel Connectionist System for Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition +
A Principled and Flexible Framework for Finding Alternative Clusterings +
A Probabilistic Framework for Automatic Term Recognition +
A Review of Auditing Methods Applied to the Content of Controlled Biomedical Terminologies +
A Software Engineering Approach to Ontology Building +
A Viewpoint-based Approach for Interaction Graph Analysis +
A Web Survey on the Use of Active Learning to Support Annotation of Text Data +
Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Multiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies +
Active Learning with Generalized Queries +
Adapting the Right Measures for K-means Clustering +
Address Standardization with Latent Semantic Association +
Adventures In Semantic Publishing: Exemplar Semantic Enhancements Of A Research Article +
Agency Reconsidered. +
Agent Mining: The Synergy of Agents and Data Mining +
Aging and Information Technology Use Potential and Barriers +
An Association Analysis Approach to Biclustering +