Semi-Supervised Named Entity Recognition Algorithm
A Semi-Supervised Named Entity Recognition Algorithm is a supervised NER algorithm that makes use of a semi-supervised classification algorithm.
- AKA: Semi-Supervised NER Algorithm.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Semi-Supervised NER System.
- (Guo et al.2014) ⇒ Jiang Guo, Wanxiang Che, Haifeng Wang, and Ting Liu. (2014). “Revisiting Embedding Features for Simple Semi-Supervised Learning.” In: Proceedingsof EMNLP.
- (Kozareva, 2006) ⇒ Zornitsa Kozareva. (2006). “Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition with Automatically Generated Gazetteer Lists.” In: Proceedings of EACL 2006.
- (Etzioni et al., 2005) ⇒ Oren Etzioni, Michael J. Cafarella, Doug Downey, Ana-Maria Popescu, Tal Shaked, Stephen Soderland, Daniel S. Weld, and Alexander Yates. (2005). “Unsupervised Named-Entity Extraction from the Web: An Experimental Study.” In: Artificial Intelligence, 165(1).
- (Thelen & Riloff, 2002) ⇒ Michael Thelen, and Ellen Riloff. (2002). “A Bootstrapping Method for Learning Semantic Lexicons Using Extraction Pattern Contexts.” In: Proceedings of the ACL-02 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- (Cucerzan & Yarowsky) ⇒ Silviu Cucerzan, and David Yarowsky. (1999). “Language Independent Named Entity Recognition Combining Morphological and Contextual Evidence.” In: Proceedings of the Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora (EMNLP/VLC, 1999).
- (Collins & Singer, 1999) ⇒ Michael Collins, and Yoram Singer. (1999). “Unsupervised Models for Named Entity Classification.” In: Proceedings of EMNLP 1999.
- (Riloff and Jones, 1999) ⇒ Ellen Riloff, and Rosie Jones. (1999). “Learning Dictionaries for Information Extraction by Multi-level Bootstrapping.” In: Proceedings of AAAI 1999.