1992 TheZPGLetterSubjDefAndInfoStatus

Subject Headings: Anaphora Resolution, Centering Theory

Cited By

  • (Strube and Hahn, 1999) ⇒ Michael Strube, and Udo Hahn. (1999). “Functional Centering Grounding Referential Coherence in Information Structure.” In: Computational Linguistics.
    • In establishing proper referential relations, we found the functional information structure of the utterances to be much more relevant. By this we mean indicators of whether or not a discourse entity in the current utterance refers to another discourse entity already introduced by previous utterances in the discourse. Borrowing terminology from Prince (1981, 1992), an entity that does refer to another discourse entity already introduced is called discourse-old or hearer-old, while an entity that does not refer to another discourse entity is called discourse-new or hearer-new.



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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1992 TheZPGLetterSubjDefAndInfoStatusEllen F. Princeftp://babel.ling.upenn.edu/papers/faculty/ellen_prince/zpg.ps