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== Quotes ==
== Quotes ==
[[Ontology-based Information Extraction Task|Ontology-based Information Extraction (OBIE)]] has recently emerged as a [[subfield]] of [[Information Extraction (IE)]]. Here, [[Ontology|ontologies]] - which provide [[formal]] and [[explicit specifications]] of [[conceptualizations]] - play a crucial role in the [[information extraction process]]. Several [[OBIE system]]s have been [[implemented previously]] but all of them use a [[single]] [[ontology]] although multiple [[Ontology|ontologies]] have been designed for many [[domains]]. [[We]] have studied the [[theoretical basis]] for using [[multiple ontologies in information extraction]] and have developed [[information extraction system]]s that use them. These [[system]]s investigate the two major [[scenario]]s for having multiple [[Ontology|ontologies]] for the same [[domain]]: specializing in [[sub-domains]] and providing different [[perspectives]]. The [[domain of universities]] has been used for the former [[scenario]] through a [[corpus]] collected from [[university websites]]. For the latter, the domain of [[terrorist attack]]s and a [[corpus]] used by a previous [[MUC|Message Understanding Conference (MUC)]] have been used. The results from these two [[case studies]] indicate that using [[multiple]] [[ontologies]] in [[information extraction]] has led to a clear improvement in [[performance measure]]s.
[[Ontology-based Information Extraction Task|Ontology-based Information Extraction (OBIE)]] has recently emerged as a [[subfield]] of [[Information Extraction (IE)]]. Here, [[Ontology|ontologies]] - which provide [[formal]] and [[explicit specification]]s of [[conceptualization]]s - play a crucial role in the [[information extraction process]]. Several [[OBIE system]]s have been [[implemented previously]] but all of them use a [[single]] [[ontology]] although multiple [[Ontology|ontologies]] have been designed for many [[domains]]. [[We]] have studied the [[theoretical basis]] for using [[multiple ontologies in information extraction]] and have developed [[information extraction system]]s that use them. These [[system]]s investigate the two major [[scenario]]s for having multiple [[Ontology|ontologies]] for the same [[domain]]: specializing in [[sub-domains]] and providing different [[perspectives]]. The [[domain of universities]] has been used for the former [[scenario]] through a [[corpus]] collected from [[university websites]]. For the latter, the domain of [[terrorist attack]]s and a [[corpus]] used by a previous [[MUC|Message Understanding Conference (MUC)]] have been used. The results from these two [[case studies]] indicate that using [[multiple]] [[ontologies]] in [[information extraction]] has led to a clear improvement in [[performance measure]]s.

== References ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 07:26, 22 August 2024

Subject Headings: Ontology-based Information Extraction.



Ontology-based Information Extraction (OBIE) has recently emerged as a subfield of Information Extraction (IE). Here, ontologies - which provide formal and explicit specifications of conceptualizations - play a crucial role in the information extraction process. Several OBIE systems have been implemented previously but all of them use a single ontology although multiple ontologies have been designed for many domains. We have studied the theoretical basis for using multiple ontologies in information extraction and have developed information extraction systems that use them. These systems investigate the two major scenarios for having multiple ontologies for the same domain: specializing in sub-domains and providing different perspectives. The domain of universities has been used for the former scenario through a corpus collected from university websites. For the latter, the domain of terrorist attacks and a corpus used by a previous Message Understanding Conference (MUC) have been used. The results from these two case studies indicate that using multiple ontologies in information extraction has led to a clear improvement in performance measures.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2009 UsingMultipleOntologiesInIEDaya C. Wimalasuriya
Dejing Dou
Using Multiple Ontologies in Information ExtractionProceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Managementhttp://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~dou/research/papers/cikm09.pdf10.1145/1645953.16459852009