Human-to-Human Relationship

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A Human-to-Human Relationship is a human-to-* relationship and an organism relationship that exists between two or more humans, encompassing a range of interactions from brief acquaintances to deep emotional connections.



  • (Wikipedia, 2023) ⇒ Retrieved:2023-9-19.
    • QUOTE: “In social psychology, an interpersonal relation or interpersonal relationship describes a social association or connection between people. These relationships range in intimacy, self-disclosure, and reciprocity, spanning family, friendship, marriage, and professional interactions.”
    • NOTE: It provides an interdisciplinary view of relationships, encompassing anthropology, sociology, and social sciences, highlighting how these relationships impact social structure.


  • (Wikipedia, 2016) ⇒ Retrieved:2016-1-25.
    • QUOTE: “An interpersonal relationship is a close association or acquaintance between people, formed under various influences, such as social, cultural, and familial.”
    • NOTE: It explores relationship types, from family and kinship bonds to associations within clubs and workplaces, regulated by norms and agreements.


  • (Woolf, 1927) ⇒ Virginia Woolf. (1927). “To The Lighthouse.”
    • NOTE: It examines relationship dynamics in family and friendships, illustrating how social roles and power balance within personal relationships influence emotional connection.