Visual Artifact
(Redirected from graphical content)
An Visual Artifact is a physical artifact that represents a Thing by means of light and color.
- AKA: Image Item.
- Context:
- It can be a member of an Image Dataset.
- It can represented by referencers such as: Image Data Record, Image Item Icon, ...
- ...
- Example(s):
- a Visual Art Piece, such as:
- a Painting,such as the Mona Lisa (hanging in The Louvre.
- a Photograph, such as Alberto Korda's March 5th 1960 iconic one of Che Guevera.
- an Image Dataset, or Video Dataset.
- …
- a Visual Art Piece, such as:
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Text Item.
- an Aural Item.
- See: Reference Relation, Image Segmentation Task.