Duress-Induced Contract

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A Duress-Induced Contract is a contract that is formed under coercion, threat, or pressure, potentially rendering it voidable by the affected party.




  • (Vaia, 2024) ⇒ Vaia. (2024). "Duress in Contract: Elements & Remedies - Law". In: Vaia.
    • QUOTE: The term 'duress in contract' will be scrutinised, highlighting its key elements, real-life applications, and implications in court cases. Furthermore, this discussion will help you see the stark difference between duress and undue influence within the legal framework. In addition, shed light on the varying types of duress and the associated legal remedies available. Our in-depth exploration and case studies will ensure a robust comprehension of duress in contract law.


  • (Fotis International Law Firm, 2023) ⇒ Fotis International Law Firm. (2023). "Signing under duress or undue influence". In: Fotis International Law Firm.
    • QUOTE: A contract can be terminated for various reasons, such as breach of contract, the parties agree to terminate the agreement, the force majeure, and for duress or undue influence. In this article, we will focus on-laws on signing a contract under duress or undue influence. Duress is the act of using coercion, threats, or physiological pressure to induce someone to act contrary to their desires or interests; it means that the person is not working with freedom and signs a contract under duress, which means that you are signing it against your will. Indeed, it is necessary to make a difference between the defense of duress and defense of necessity; both can be used to display that there was no alternative other than binding the illegal act.