Context-Sensitive Grammar

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A Context-Sensitive Grammar is a Grammar Class that allows Production Rules whose left hand side can depend on a context of Terminal Symbols.


  • (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒
    • A context-sensitive grammar (CSG) is a formal grammar in which the left-hand sides and right-hand sides of any production rules may be surrounded by a context of terminal and nonterminal symbols. Context-sensitive grammars are more general than context-free grammars but still orderly enough to be parsed by a linear bounded automaton.
    • The concept of context-sensitive grammar was introduced by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s as a way to describe the syntax of natural language where it is indeed often the case that a word may or may not be appropriate in a certain place depending upon the context. A formal language that can be described by a context-sensitive grammar is called a context-sensitive language.
    • A grammar where recognition of a particular construct may depend on a syntactic context.