2024 DeNovoDesignofHighAffinityProte

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Subject Headings: Protein-Binding Protein, AlphaProteo, Protein Design.


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Computational design of protein-binding proteins is a fundamental capability with broad utility in biomedical research and biotechnology. Recent methods have made strides against some target proteins, but on-demand creation of high-affinity binders without multiple rounds of experimental testing remains an unsolved challenge. This technical report introduces AlphaProteo, a family of machine learning models for protein design, and details its performance on the de novo binder design problem. With AlphaProteo, we achieve 3- to 300-fold better binding affinities and higher experimental success rates than the best existing methods on seven target proteins. Our results suggest that AlphaProteo can generate binders "ready-to-use" for many research applications using only one round of medium-throughput screening and no further optimization.

Experimental highlights:



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2024 DeNovoDesignofHighAffinityProteJue Wang
Demis Hassabis (1976-)
Rob Fergus
Pushmeet Kohli
Vinicius Zambaldi
David La
Alexander E. Chu
Harshnira Patani
Amy E. Danson
Tristan O. C. Kwan
Thomas Frerix
Rosalia G. Schneider
David Saxton
Ashok Thillaisundaram
Zachary Wu
Isabel Moraes
Oskar Lange
Eliseo Papa
Gabriella Stanton
Victor Martin
Sukhdeep Singh
Lai H. Wong
Russ Bates
Simon A. Kohl
Josh Abramson
Andrew W. Senior
Yilmaz Alguel
Mary Y. Wu
Irene M. Aspalter
Katie Bentley
David L. V. Bauer
Peter Cherepanov
De Novo Design of High-affinity Protein Binders with AlphaProteo2024