Word Sense Definition
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A Word Sense Definition is a Definition of a Word Sense.
- AKA: Gloss, Word Sense Gloss.
- Context:
- It can be in a Word Sense Record.
- It can created by a Word Sense Definer (who can convert Tacit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge).
- It can be associated with a Date that indicates earliest known use, e.g. E18 (early 18th century)
- It can include a sample Usage, e.g. I.Asimov 'The time would come when unfertilised ova could be stored in banks at ...'
- It can enable the Identification of Word Senses that represent similar Concept.
- It can range from being a Denotive Word Sense Definition to a Connotative Word Sense Definition.
- It can answer a Definitional Question, such as “What does 'aandblom' mean?”.
- It can be:
- Example(s):
- “A 'word sense definition' is a definition of a word sense.”
- “A reserve of something stored for future use.” ← “bank”, as in “The blood bank is running low.”.
- “A place that holds reserves of something stored for future use.” ← “bank”, as in “Which way to the blood bank?”.
- “A small enclosed receptacle for money.” ← “bank”, as in “My piggy bank is full.”.
- “An activity engaged in for diversion or amusement.” ← “game”, see (Wittgenstein).
- “The common final stellar object seen in the morning, esp. Venus.” ← “morning star”, see (Frege).
- “The common first stellar object seen in the evening, esp. Venus.” ← “evening star”, see (Frege)
- “the destruction with the use of explosives.” ← "blow up".
- “the enlargement, especially of photographs.” ← "blow up".
- “a large wild canid (member of the dog family), closely related to, and at times consanguineous to the domestic dog, which is considered a subspecies of the wolf.” ← “wolf”.
- “a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women)” ← “wolf”.
- “(the Wolf) The constellation Lupus.” ← “wolf”.
- “A point scored in baseball and cricket.” ← “run”.
- “A person playing a baseball game and touching all four bases safely on three separate occasions.” ← “run”.
- a Dictionary Entry Definition.
- a Technical Term Definition.
- a Glossary Term Definition.
- other Word Sense Definition Examples.
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- Factual Statements.
- "To travel to Canada, you will need a birth certificate or a driver’s license and other photo ID."
- "Susan saw the man in the park."
- "People who protest often get arrested."
- Interrogative Sentences:
- “What does 'aandblom' mean?”
- Factual Statements.
- See: Ontology Concept Definition.
- (ANSI Z39.19, 2005) ⇒ ANSI. (2005). “ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies." ANSI.
- QUOTE: gloss: An explanation or definition of an obscure or ambiguous word in a text. See also qualifier.