Word Segmentation Task Examples

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See: Word Segmentation Task, Task Example.


  • OWST("I'm coming home”) ⇒ ([I'm] [coming] [home]).
  • PWST(I'mcominghome) ⇒ ([I'm] [coming] [home]).
  • AWST("I'm coming home") ⇒ ([I] ['m] [coming] [home]).
  • OWST("I bought a real time operating system”) ⇒ ([I] [bought] [a] [real] [time] [operating] [system]), an Orthographic Word Segmentation Task.
  • VWST("日文章魚怎麼說") ⇒ ([日文] [章魚] [怎麼] [說]) (i.e. ~[Japanese] [octopus] [how] [say])
  • VWST("I bought a real time operating system") ⇒ ([I] [bought] [a] [real time] [operating system]).
  • VWST("Famous notaries public include ex-attorney generals.") ⇒ ([Famous] [notaries public] [include] [ex-] [attorney generals]).
  • AWST("Der Lebensversicherungsgesellschaftsangestellte kam gestern mit seinem Deutscher Schäferhund.” (~The life insurance company employee came yesterday with their German Shepherd) ⇒ ([Der], [Lebensversicherungs], [gesellschafts], [angestellte], [kam], [gestern], [mit], [seinem], [Deutscher Schäferhund])
  • VWST("The ex-governor general's sisters-in-law saw the wolves' den near Mr. Smith's home in Sault Ste. Marie.”) ⇒ ([The] [ex-] [governor general's] [sisters-in-law] [saw] [the] [wolves'] [den] [near] [Mr. Smith's] [home] [in] [Sault Ste. Marie].”).
  • WSST("The ex-governor general's sisters-in-law saw the wolves' den near Mr. Smith's home in Sault Ste. Marie.”) ⇒ (the, exgovernor, general, s, sistersinlaw, saw, the, wolv, den, near, mr, smith, s, home, in, sault, ste, mari).
  • "The popular [high school] musical]] is ... “
  • [That] [funny] [life insurance] [company] [employee] ...”, notice that “insurance company” may also exist in a lexicon but "... [life] [insurance company]..” is incorrect.