Video Game Rage Quit

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A Video Game Rage Quit is a video game term for when a player quits the game out of frustration and anger.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-11.
    • A rage quit is when the player is too angry to continue playing a game and usually leaves before the end of said game or match. The player may then throw or smash their controller/keyboard in response to their "rage" to the point where it is broken and unusable.


  • (TV Tropes, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-11.
    • QUOTE: Rage quitting is also common in people who simply get frustrated at the game and quit early to cool off, whether it be from several streaks of bad luck or results in a game simply not working out in their favor, despite everything they've been doing. Of course, quitting is still quitting, which greatly annoy other players who want to finish the game or earn the win.

      Can be spelled both "rage quit" or "ragequit". A common nickname is "Alt-F4", the shortcut for closing Windows programs; another is "QQ", which originated with Warcraft II, as the shortcut Alt+Q+Q would immediately close the game.


The throwing of the said gamer's controller,
Rampant punching of a sofa/ love seat,
Yelling at family members/ roommates,
Letting loose a stream of expletives and complaining over in-game chat.