Video Game Killsteal

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A Video Game Killsteal is a video game term that means to obtain credit for killing an enemy, when another player has put more effort into the kill.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-5-27.
    • In multiplayer video games, particularly in MOBAs, first-person shooters, MMORPGs and MUDs, kill stealing is the practice of obtaining credit for killing an enemy, when another player has put more effort into the kill. This usually happens when a game only keeps track of which player defeats an enemy. If one player whittles down some enemy's health points, but a different player eventually finishes the enemy off, this second player might obtain all of the loot or experience points from the enemy. Kill stealing is common when the rewards for finishing enemies off is highly desired within the game. Some players feel that kill stealing is a dishonorable practice. Kill securing is often the motivation for what ultimately boils down to kill stealing. As such before you engage in this practice, as this is a known way that people grief other players, you should consider whether or not the enemy player is *clearly* getting away. If your teammate is struggling to finish off an enemy player and after their efforts you do get the kill, that is an acceptable practice. If your teammate is literally 1 second away from getting a kill and you come out of nowhere and land the killing blow, then you're kill stealing whether intended or not.