Video Game KDR

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A Video Game KDR is a video game term that reflects the average number of kills of players as compared to how many times they die in the game.



  • Retrieved:2017-8-10.
    • QUOTE: Kill-Death Ratio is a term used to define how many kills a player gets before they die each time they spawn. A K/D ratio is kills divided by deaths. For example, if a player gets 10 kills and 5 deaths in a given game, they have a 2 K/D ratio. It means they got 2 kills before they died each time they spawned (on average). In other words - for every 2 kills they got, they died once.


  • (Giant Bomb, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-10.
    • In most games, the total number of kills and deaths a player gets are usually recorded for statistics purposes and achievement awarding, but most players are more interested to know their KRD (kill-to-death ratio).

      There are three primary states of KDR:

If less than 1 to 1, then the player is outmatched.
If 1 to 1, the player's skill is comparable to those around him/her.
If more than 1 to 1, the player is better than the average player on the server.


  • (Urban Dictionary, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-10.
    • QUOTE: The Kill Death Ratio, commonly Referred to as K/D, KDR or Kill/Death, is the average rate of the amounts of deaths you need per kill. For instance, a KDR of 1 means that your number of death equals the number of kills you have. If your KDR is lower than one, then you have more deaths than kills, and vice versa.

      Summary (may require some mathematical understanding):

If 0 < k < 1, or log(k) < 0, then you are a n00b.
If k > 1, or log(k) > 0, then you are a good player.
(k is your Kill Death Ratio)