Video Game Boss Key

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A Video Game Boss Key is a keyboard shortcut that players can hit that displays a fake image of a graph or spreadsheet to make it look like players were working instead of playing a video game.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-5-26.
    • A boss key or boss button is a special keyboard shortcut used in computer games or other programs to hide the program quickly, possibly displaying a special screen that appears to be a normal productivity program (such as a spreadsheet application). One of the earliest implementations was by Friendlyware, a suite of entertainment and general interest programs written in BASIC and sold with the original IBM AT and XT computers from 1982 to 1985. When activated (by pressing F10), an ASCII bar graph with generic "Productivity" and "Time" labels appeared. Pressing F10 again would return to the Friendlyware application.