Test-Based Coevolution System
A Test-Based Coevolution System is a Coevolution System that develops both solutions to a problem and tests for candidate solutions.
- AKA: Competitive Coevolution System.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Coevolutionary Learning, Coevolution.
- (Bari & Gaspar,2018) ⇒ (2018, December). "Investigating Relaxed Selection in Test-Based Pareto Coevolution". In: 2018 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT). DOI:10.1109/ICCITECHN.2018.8631964.
- (Sammut & Webb, 2017) ⇒ (2017) "Test-Based Coevolution". In: Sammut C., Webb G.I. (eds) Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining. Springer, Boston, MA. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4899-7687-1_822.
- QUOTE: A coevolutionary system constructed to simultaneously develop solutions to a problem and challenging tests for candidate solutions. Here, individuals represent complete solutions or their tests. Though not precisely the same as competitive coevolution, there is a significant overlap.