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A Techno-Solutionism is a philosophy that posits technology as the primary means to solve complex societal problems, often reducing intricate issues to simplified technological fixes.



    • NOTES:
      • Techno-Solutionism simplifies complex societal problems into apps and algorithms, often ignoring the intricate and multifaceted nature of these issues.
      • Techno-Solutionism assumes that technological advancements alone can address systemic issues without considering broader social, political, and economic dimensions.
      • Techno-Solutionism tends to promote quick technological fixes for deep-rooted problems, potentially leading to superficial solutions that do not address underlying causes.
      • Techno-Solutionism is critiqued for offering technological solutions before fully understanding or articulating the problems they aim to solve.
      • Techno-Solutionism is often driven by the managerial class’s desire to address perceived inefficiencies, rather than by a genuine understanding of the issues at hand.
      • Techno-Solutionism can lead to the neglect of political activism, collectivity, debate, and democracy in favor of technology consumption and usage.
      • Techno-Solutionism risks embedding existing biases and inequalities into new technologies, exacerbating rather than alleviating social problems.