Strong Personality

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A Strong Personality is an personality pattern with some combination of ...



    • QUOTE: Two dimensions by which we often assess people are strength and warmth.

      Sub-dimensions of strength can include:

      • Robustness: The ability to handle varying situations.
      • Resilience: Getting up when you are knocked down.
      • Courage: Facing danger and overcoming fears.
      • Assertiveness: Speaking one's mind, demanding one's rights, etc.
      • Independence: Not needing others to prop us up.
      • Persuasiveness: Convincing others to do as you say.
      • Dominance: Taking more time than others in conversation.
      • Aggression: Fighting for what you want.
    • Note that strength need not be admired and may be feared, especially in aggressive dominance.

      Strength may also be measured as a lack of weakness, such as in appeasement, giving in, failure to learn, frequently seeking support, etc.

      As noted elsewhere, 'personality' is a human construct and psychologists will argue for hours over what it is and even whether it exists in any stable form, so keep a perspective rather than assuming all this is some absolute truth.