Statistical Learning Theory Discipline

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A Statistical Learning Theory Discipline is an Academic Discipline that focused on research and development of machine learning algorithms based on statistical models.






  • (Berkeley Univerisyt, 2007) ⇒
    • Statistical machine learning merges statistics with the computational sciences --- computer science, systems science and optimization. Much of the agenda in statistical machine learning is driven by applied problems in science and technology, where data streams are increasingly large-scale, dynamical and heterogeneous, and where mathematical and algorithmic creativity are required to bring statistical methodology to bear. Fields such as bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, signal processing, communications, networking, information management, finance, game theory and control theory are all being heavily influenced by developments in statistical machine learning.
    • The field of statistical machine learning also poses some of the most challenging theoretical problems in modern statistics, chief among them being the general problem of understanding the link between inference and computation.

  1. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman (2009) The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer-Verlag .