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List of results
- 2024 TheLlama3HerdofModels + (The Llama 3 Herd of Models)
- 1996 TheLogStructuredMergeTreeLSMTre + (The Log-structured Merge-tree (LSM-tree))
- 1966 TheLogicofTacitInference + (The Logic of Tacit Inference)
- 2012 TheLongandtheShortofItSummarisi + (The Long and the Short of It: Summarising Event Sequences with Serial Episodes)
- 2019 TheLotteryTicketHypothesisFindi + (The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks)
- 2008 TheMachineLearningDictionaryForCOMP9414 + (The Machine Learning Dictionary for COMP9414)
- 2011 TheMakingofPrinceofPersiaJourna + (The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993)
- 1994 TheMarksAreontheKnowledgeWorker + (The Marks Are on the Knowledge Worker)
- 2015 TheMasterAlgorithmHowtheQuestfo + (The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World)
- 2011 TheMathematicsofCausalInference + (The Mathematics of Causal Inference)
- 2007 TheMaximumCommonSubgraphProblem + (The Maximum Common Subgraph Problem: Faster Solutions via Vertex Cover)
- 1923 TheMeaningOfMeaning + (The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism)
- 2000 TheMemeMachine + (The Meme Machine)
- 1995 TheMergePurgeProblemForLargeDBs + (The Merge/Purge Problem for Large Databases)
- 2014 TheMicroandMacroofDisappearingR + (The Micro and Macro of Disappearing Routine Jobs: A Flows Approach)
- 2002 TheMinimalUnitofPhonologicalEnc + (The Minimal Unit of Phonological Encoding: Prosodic Or Lexical Word)
- 2012 TheMissingModelsADataDrivenAppr + (The Missing Models: A Data-driven Approach for Learning how Networks Grow)
- 2017 TheMLTestScoreARubricforMlProdu + (The Ml Test Score: A Rubric for Ml Production Readiness and Technical Debt Reduction)
- 2010 TheMoralLandscapeHowScienceCanD + (The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values)
- 2015 TheMostGoodYouCanDoHowEffective + (The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically)
- 1975 TheMythicalManMonth + (The Mythical Man-month)
- 1989 TheNBestAlgorithmAnEfficientPro + (The N-Best Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure for Finding Top N Sentence Hypotheses)
- 2015 TheNLPEngineAUniversalTuringMac + (The NLP Engine: A Universal Turing Machine for NLP)
- 2018 TheNarrativeQAReadingComprehens + (The NarrativeQA Reading Comprehension Challenge)
- 2008 TheNaturalLanguageProcessingDictionary + (The Natural Language Processing Dictionary)
- 1995 TheNatureOfStatisticalLearningTheory + (The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory)
- 2005 TheNecessityofSyntacticParsingf + (The Necessity of Syntactic Parsing for Semantic Role Labeling)
- 1981 TheNeedForTheoryOfCiting + (The Need for a Theory of Citing)
- 2016 TheNetflixRecommenderSystemAlgo + (The Netflix Recommender System: Algorithms, Business Value, and Innovation)
- 2010 TheNewIrisDataModularDataGenera + (The New Iris Data: Modular Data Generators)
- 2007 TheNewMetricsofCorporatePerform + (The New Metrics of Corporate Performance: Profit Per Employee)
- 2023 TheNextGenerationofEvidencebase + (The Next Generation of Evidence-based Medicine)
- 2010 TheNextGenerationofTransportati + (The Next Generation of Transportation Systems,greenhouse Emissions, and Data Mining)
- 2003 TheNonstochasticMultiarmedBandi + (The Nonstochastic Multiarmed Bandit Problem)
- 2007 TheOBOFoundry + (The OBO Foundry: coordinated evolution of ontologies to support biomedical data integration)
- 2013 TheOccurrenceRateofSmallPlanets + (The Occurrence Rate of Small Planets Around Small Stars)
- 2009 TheOffsetTreeforLearningwithPar + (The Offset Tree for Learning with Partial Labels)
- 2005 TheOmegaOntology + (The Omega Ontology)
- 2009 TheOnlineAdvertisingIndustryEco + (The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy)
- 2001 TheOpenArchivesInitiativeBuildi + (The Open Archives Initiative: Building a Low-barrier Interoperability Framework)
- 1945 TheOpenSocietyandItsEnemies + (The Open Society and Its Enemies (Vol 2))
- 2009 TheOriginofConcepts + (The Origin of Concepts)
- 1962 TheOtherAmerica + (The Other America)
- 2003 TheOxfordHandbookOfCompLing + (The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics)
- 2006 ThePascalRecognisingTextEntChlg + (The PASCAL Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge)
- 1998 ThePageRankCitationRanking + (The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing order to the web)
- 2008 ThePersuasivePhaseofVisualizati + (The Persuasive Phase of Visualization)
- 2006 ThePhonologyAndMorphOfFuncWordContrInGer + (The Phonology and Morphology of Function Word Contractions in German)
- 2016 ThePhylogeneticRootsofHumanLeth + (The Phylogenetic Roots of Human Lethal Violence)
- 2020 ThePileAn800gbDatasetofDiverseT + (The Pile: An 800gb Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling)
- 1947 LaPeste + (The Plague)