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List of results
- 1988 OnLanguageandConnectionismAnaly + (On Language and Connectionism: Analysis of a Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Language Acquisition)
- 1859 OnLiberty + (On Liberty)
- 2015 OnMarkovDecisionProcesses + (On Markov Decision Processes)
- 2012 OnNestedPalindromesinClickstrea + (On Nested Palindromes in Clickstream Data)
- 2012 OnOneoftheFewObjects + (On One of the Few Objects)
- 2009 OnPathAnomalyDetection + (On Path Anomaly Detection in a Large Transportation Network)
- 2014 OnPowerLawDistributionsinLargeS + (On Power Law Distributions in Large-scale Taxonomies)
- 2008 OnReferringAndNotReferring + (On Referring and Not Referring)
- 2020 OnSampledMetricsforItemRecommen + (On Sampled Metrics for Item Recommendation)
- 2000 OnSequentialMonteCarloSamplingM + (On Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling Methods for Bayesian Filtering)
- 2014 OnSocialEventOrganization + (On Social Event Organization)
- 2009 OnSocialNetworksandCollaborativ + (On Social Networks and Collaborative Recommendation)
- 2012 OnSocioSpatialGroupQueryforLoca + (On Socio-spatial Group Query for Location-based Social Networks)
- 2001 OnSpectralClustering + (On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an Algorithm)
- 2010 OnTheDefOfPatForSemAnnotation + (On The Definition Of Patterns For Semantic Annotation)
- 2008 OnUpdatesThatConstraintheFeatur + (On Updates That Constrain the Features' Connections During Learning)
- 1997 OnARelBetwGraphEditDistAndMaxCommonSub + (On a Relation Between Graph Edit Distance and Maximum Common Subgraph)
- 2009 OnDesigningControlNatLangForSemAnnot + (On designing Controlled Natural Languages for Semantic Annotation)
- 2011 OnOntologyDrivenDocClustUsing... + (On ontology-driven Document Clustering Using Core Semantic Features)
- 2001 OntheAlgorithmicImplementationo + (On the Algorithmic Implementation of Multiclass Kernel-based Vector Machines)
- 1992 OntheApproximabilityoftheMaximu + (On the Approximability of the Maximum Common Subgraph Problem)
- 1977 OnTheCreationAndUseOfEnglCompNouns + (On the Creation and Use of English Compound Nouns)
- 2021 OntheDangersofStochasticParrots + (On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?ð¦)
- 2019 OntheDifficultyofEvaluatingBase + (On the Difficulty of Evaluating Baselines: A Study on Recommender Systems)
- 2015 OntheDiscoveryofEvolvingTruth + (On the Discovery of Evolving Truth)
- 2004 OnTheDisperateTermUseOfTheConcCrypt + (On the Disparate Terminological Use of the Concept Cryptobiosis)
- 2022 OntheEffectivenessofPreTrainedL + (On the Effectiveness of Pre-trained Language Models for Legal Natural Language Processing: An Empirical Study)
- 2013 OntheEquivalentofLowRankLinearR + (On the Equivalent of Low-rank Linear Regressions and Linear Discriminant Analysis based Regressions)
- 2015 OntheFormationofCirclesinCoAuth + (On the Formation of Circles in Co-authorship Networks)
- 1989 OntheLimitedMemoryBFGSMethodfor + (On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization)
- 2010 OntheMeaningofWorkATheoreticalI + (On the Meaning of Work: A Theoretical Integration and Review)
- 2002 OntheNeedforTimeSeriesDataMinin + (On the Need for Time Series Data Mining Benchmarks: A Survey and Empirical Demonstration)
- 1981 OntheNotionsOfLexRelatedAndHeadOfAWord + (On the Notions)
- 2021 OntheOpportunitiesandRisksofFou + (On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models)
- 1859 OntheOriginofSpeciesbyMeansofNa + (On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection; Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life)
- 2014 OnthePermanenceofVerticesinNetw + (On the Permanence of Vertices in Network Communities)
- 2013 OnthePhenomenonofBullshitJobs + (On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs)
- 2018 OnthePracticalComputationalPowe + (On the Practical Computational Power of Finite Precision RNNs for Language Recognition)
- 2011 OnthePrivacyofAnonymizedNetwork + (On the Privacy of Anonymized Networks)
- 2014 OnthePropertiesofNeuralMachineT + (On the Properties of Neural Machine Translation: Encoder-Decoder Approaches)
- 2010 OntheQualityofInferringInterest + (On the Quality of Inferring Interests from Social Neighbors)
- 2015 OntheRoleofOntologiesinInformat + (On the Role of Ontologies in Information Extraction)
- 2011 OntheSemanticAnnotationofPlaces + (On the Semantic Annotation of Places in Location-based Social Networks)
- 2005 OnTheSemanticsOfNounCompounds + (On the Semantics of Noun Compounds)
- 2002 OnTheSemanticsOfTroponymy + (On the Semantics of Troponymy)
- 2012 OntheSeparabilityofStructuralCl + (On the Separability of Structural Classes of Communities)
- 2009 OntheTradeoffBetweenPrivacyandU + (On the Tradeoff Between Privacy and Utility in Data Publishing)
- 2015 OntheWelfareImplicationsofAutom + (On the Welfare Implications of Automation)
- 2006 OnDemandInformationExtraction + (On-Demand Information Extraction)
- 2014 OneBillionWordBenchmarkforMeasu + (One Billion Word Benchmark for Measuring Progress in Statistical Language Modeling)
- 1967 OneHundredYearsofSolitude + (One Hundred Years of Solitude)