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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2015 NonTransitiveHashingwithLatentS + (Non-transitive Hashing with Latent Similarity Components)
- 2000 NonlinearDimensionalityReductio + (Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding)
- 1990 NonlinearMixedEffectsModels + (Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models for Repeated Measures Data)
- 2009 NonmonotonicAbductiveInductiveL + (Nonmonotonic Abductive Inductive Learning)
- 2010 NonnegativeSharedSubspaceLearni + (Nonnegative Shared Subspace Learning and Its Application to Social Media Retrieval)
- 2013 NonparametricHierarchalBayesian + (Nonparametric Hierarchal Bayesian Modeling in Non-contractual Heterogeneous Survival Data)
- 2009 NonparametricLatentFeatureModel + (Nonparametric Latent Feature Models for Link Prediction.)
- 1999 NonparametricStatisticalMethods + (Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 2nd Edition)
- 2011 NonparametricTimeSeriesForecast + (Nonparametric Time Series Forecasting with Dynamic Updating)
- 2000 NormalizedCutsAndImageSeg + (Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation)
- 1999 NormativeDataStratifiedbyAgeand + (Normative Data Stratified by Age and Education for Two Measures of Verbal Fluency: FAS and Animal Naming)
- 2008 NounPhraseBracketingGuidelinesV1 + (Noun Phrase Bracketing Guidelines, Version 1.0)
- 1999 NounPhraseCoreferenceAsClustering + (Noun Phrase Coreference as Clustering)
- 1996 NounPhraseAnalysisInUnrTextForIR + (Noun-Phrase Analysis in Unrestricted Text for Information Retrieval)
- 1998 NounPhraseCoOccurrenceStatistic + (Noun-phrase Co-occurrence Statistics for Semiautomatic Semantic Lexicon Construction)
- 2014 NovelGeospatialInterpolationAna + (Novel Geospatial Interpolation Analytics for General Meteorological Measurements)
- 1999 NoveltyDetectUsExtValStat + (Novelty Detection Using Extreme Value Statistics)
- 2003 NoveltyDetectionAReviewpart1Sta + (Novelty Detection: A Reviewâpart 1: Statistical Approaches)
- 2012 NucleaRDBInformationSystemforNu + (NucleaRDB: Information System for Nuclear Receptors)
- 2008 NudgeImprovingDecisionsAboutHea + (Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness)
- 1973 NumericalTaxoThePrinciplesAndPractOfNumClassific + (Numerical Taxonomy: The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification)
- 1997 NymbleAHighPerformanceLearningN + (Nymble: A High-Performance Learning Name-finder)
- 1997 Nymble + (Nymble: a High-performance Learning Name-finder)
- 2009 OLAPonSearchLogsAnInfrastructur + (OLAP on Search Logs: An Infrastructure Supporting Data-driven Applications in Search Engines)
- 2015 OLiAOntologiesofLinguisticAnnot + (OLiA--Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation)
- 1981 Obasan + (Obasan. 1981)
- 1974 ObediencetoAuthority + (Obedience to Authority)
- 2004 ObjectPerceptionAsBayesianInfer + (Object Perception As Bayesian Inference)
- 1997 ObjectOrientedBayesianNetworks + (Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks)
- 2022 ObservabilityEngineering + (Observability Engineering)
- 2014 ObservationalandInterventionalS + (Observational and Interventional Study Design Types; An Overview)
- 2012 OccupationalEmploymentProjectio + (Occupational Employment Projections to 2020)
- 1915 OfHumanBondage + (Of Human Bondage)
- 2017 OffPolicyEvaluationforSlateReco + (Off-policy Evaluation for Slate Recommendation)
- 2018 OfflineABTestingforRecommenderS + (Offline A/B Testing for Recommender Systems)
- 2024 OmniParserforPureVisionBasedGUI + (OmniParser for Pure Vision Based GUI Agent)
- 2009 OnBurstinessAwareSearchforDocum + (On Burstiness-aware Search for Document Sequences)
- 2013 OnCommunityDetectioninRealWorld + (On Community Detection in Real-world Networks and the Importance of Degree Assortativity)
- 2010 OnCommunityOutliersandtheirEffi + (On Community Outliers and their Efficient Detection in Information Networks)
- 2009 OnCompressingSocialNetworks + (On Compressing Social Networks)
- GM-RKB:2009 OnCompressingSocialNetwork + (On Compressing Social Networks.)
- 1936 OnComputableNumberswithAnApplic + (On Computable Numbers, with An Application to the Entscheidungsproblem)
- 1905 OnDenoting + (On Denoting)
- 2001 OnDiscriminativeVsGenerativeClassifiers + (On Discriminative vs. Generative Classifiers: A comparison of logistic regression and naive Bayes)
- 2011 OnDynamicDataDrivenSelectionofS + (On Dynamic Data-driven Selection of Sensor Streams)
- 2015 OnEstimatingtheSwappingRateforC + (On Estimating the Swapping Rate for Categorical Data)
- 2010 OnIntegratingEventDefandEventDetect + (On Integrating Event Definition and Event Detection)
- 2003 OnKernelMethodsForRelLearning + (On Kernel Methods for Relational Learning)
- 1988 OnLanguageandConnectionismAnaly + (On Language and Connectionism: Analysis of a Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Language Acquisition)
- 1859 OnLiberty + (On Liberty)
- 2015 OnMarkovDecisionProcesses + (On Markov Decision Processes)